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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 2 hours ago, Swam@Texas said:

    Why do the states think they get to dictate the form the federal government uses for a census?


    It's not a state, it's Commiefornia. They literally legalized knowingly infecting someone with AIDS.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    All true, much of the behavior is media driven because the conversation comes up across all media outlets after a massacre.  

    However, I think we're starting to see some gun owners come around to considering sensible legislation regarding guns.

    People can change their minds on how best to approach the issue. 

    I think the gun laws are sensible, but the agencies put in charge to carry it out are incompetent. Especially clear after Parkland. The truth is, they dont want sensible gun laws, they want a disarmed population and a police state like they have in many 3rd world countries and Euroop.

    Look at Southerland Springs too. That crazy atheist should have never been allowed to buy or own guns but they failed to do thier job. 

    In October 2012, he was charged with assaulting his wife and fracturing his toddler stepson's skull. In response, Kelley made death threats against the superior officers who charged him, and he was caught sneaking firearms onto Holloman Air Force Base.[39] Around that same time, he made threats of self-harm to a coworker.[35]He was then admitted to Peak Behavioral Health Services, a mental health facility in Santa Teresa, New Mexico.[39]

    In June 2012, Kelley escaped from Peak Behavioral Health Services but was soon apprehended ten miles away at a bus terminal in El Paso, Texas.[39][40] The facility's director of military affairs later recalled that Kelley had stayed at the facility for several weeks, until he was brought to court-martial. While there, he had expressed a desire for "some kind of retribution to his chain of command" and was discovered to have used computers to order "weapons and tactical gear to a P.O. box in San Antonio."[40]

    Kelley and his wife divorced in October 2012.[37] In an interview with Inside Edition, his ex-wife said she lived in constant fear of him, as their marriage was filled with abuse. He once threatened her at gunpoint over a speeding ticket, and later threatened to kill her and her entire family.[41]

    Kelley was brought before a general court-martial on four charges: assault on his wife, aggravated assault on his stepson, two charges of pointing a loaded gun at his wife, and two counts of threatening his wife with an unloaded gun. In November 2012, Kelley pleaded guilty to two counts of Article 128 UCMJ, for the assault of his wife and stepson. In return, the weapons charges were dropped.[42][43][44] He was sentenced to 12 months of confinement and a reduction in rank to Airman Basic. He appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, but was unsuccessful.[45] In 2014, he was dismissed from the Air Force with a bad conduct discharge.[46][47] 


    • Fuck You 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Internet companies have already blocked and throttled in the past. That’s the entire reason consumers need these protections. 

    I see, I just think competition is the solution to protect customers rather than government regulations. The big companies pushing it seems to me they have lobbied to get things in there that will stop them from having competition. 

    To me it's fucked that there is only one provider where I live for fast internet. Do the satellite based 5G through the government and give it away for free, fuck the cable companies. 


    • Fuck You 1
  4. I understand where you are coming from, but "unlimited bandwidth" is the only thing that sells. Nobody wants a cap on their home internet. I guess its the butthurt cable company that is providing internet and o longer providing cable, instead streaming the replacement through their internet and wanting not to lose that $.

    Either way, government fucks shit up, and I was concerned they would find a way to somehow over regulate or fuck up this NN as well. Since it has stopped the sky hasnt fallen as far as I can tell? Any internet company that wants to block certain stuff or throttle stuff would lose their customers immediatly, so I don't think they can now without the laws.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    It’s gonna be Gillibrand. 

    I think $o too. The big money propaganda is intertwined with her. 

    Another easy win for Trump. They literally rigged the debates for Hillary, told her the questions in advance, and he still blew her the fuck out. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Fuck anyone against Net Neutrality 

    Does it bother you at all that all of the big corporations are pushing NN - more government control? It's pretty obvious what is going on, they want to charge people more for streaming 100% of their television though the internet. If they don't, everyone's internet goes up to pay for the people who constantly stream everything.

  7. 38 minutes ago, LonghornJudas said:

    The audio design and soundtrack for this game are brilliant.

    Hmm can't wait. Kingdom Come music has gotten a bit repetitive.

  8. As soon as the second amendment goes away so does the first. Look at the UK. They jailed some retard making his gfs pug seig heil as a joke. They said it would cause more people to become white supremacists. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Kinda like quoting PhRMA on the state of drug development for orphan diseases. 

    I mean, I agree that we got some shit that needs to be addressed, but its probably not as bad as sky is falling reports from trade industry folks would suggest. 

    I agree, but at the same time they do have solid data and analysis behind their work. Us engineers tend to do that, if you want to provide facts and claims to refute their positions that would be helpful.

    I think their reccomendations are actually reasonable and will cost much less than emergency measures and peoples lives. Technology has pushed our efficiency in labor through the roof, the problem is the current fractional reserve lending and never ending wars/corruption that keeps the money from flowing back into our society. 

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