Here is a list of quite a few.
Another good write up
The anti-depressants and ADHD ect.. are way over prescribed. The doctors no longer treat the underlying cause, but instead sell pills because that is what they have been thought in school. Pharma controls the studies, the students are tought to treat based on the results of the studies, thus, pills will solve all these different complex mental issues.
The FBI and the armed guards at the school both failed when it came to this most recent case. Instead of pushing more government intervention, they should be pushing back on the failures of their local and federal governments to properly investigate this kid. But the other underlying cause was medication given, instead of figuring out why this kid was "emotionally fragile" and taking the necessary steps to help him function in society.
It's the same thing with guys coming back from war with PTSD. They are given pills that actually cause it to get worse, and eventually they blow their brains out.
Some good talks Joe Rogan has had with people about the issues. Cognitive therapy, exercise and meditation seems to work better than pills that manipulate the delicate brain chemistry.