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Everything posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. Yep. 3 city states. Vatican City City of London Washington DC
  2. I could make a thread for every single thing I see on twitter if you would like? Yeah, it's about the FBI "7th floor" that has been breaking their own rules to spy on people. Nothing to do with surveillance state.
  3. Baltimore needs one too http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2018/05/09/baltimore-100th-homicide-this-year/
  4. What generation were we not at war?
  5. I just don't get why we are paying cash for our enemies nuclear arsenal. Isnt Russia supposed to be funding them?
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/JamesAGagliano/status/994273367476899844?s=19
  7. What happened to your cool MASH avatar?
  8. Yup, they even found one the guys passports on the ground! Imagine the odds!
  9. Ole Mccain and his neocon warmongers LOVE THE BEACH BOYS folks!
  10. Live Mike Baker former covert operations officer explains why the Iran deal was bogus. Never realized, the billion dollar cash drops were for inspections of the civilian facilities, not even the military ones. What a fucking joke.
  11. Elon Musk says they are lying when they report Teslas crashing while the "safety driver" wasn't paying attention. He's a turd that ruined Teslas good name. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-09/tesla-model-s-bursts-flames-after-horrific-crash-killing-two-men-trapped-inside These autopilot cars weren't ready for release into the public.
  12. Wrong thread to do this but, since you bring it up. The police fucked that one up, not that I'm defending neo nazi larpers led by a gaslighting government agent. The police didnt contain the rioting blood thirsty leftists. There was like 1000 larpers nazi wannabes against 10000 leftists. His lawyer can show video of them attacking his car with bats with his break lights on. Don't think it will help any. Wonder when the full details will come out, its been 4 months since the court hearing. I saw somewhere she had a heart attack from panic and wasnt hit by the car.
  13. Classic warmongering neo con/lib move. Lie to the people, waste their money killing people on the other side of the world over a lie.
  14. Assange has been dead since Oct. 2016.
  15. Careful saying anything good about Trump, you may be labeled a supporter and punched in the throat by some deranged leftist.
  16. Do the Gary Johnson goofs get behind Bernie?
  17. Socialism is unattainable WITHOUT an authoritarian state. Even if you have a democracy of people dumb enough to vote a socialist regime into power, they will then have to use force to steal the wealth from those who earn more. Then when the government controls the economy instead of the market, well then shit really hits the fan, every time. It adds insult to injury taking away motivation for people to improve or provide useful labor. Then the shit that was just hitting the fan also catches on fire.
  18. It's so funny how you point out that socialist type of government control works in limited amounts in countries that have excess wealth from capitalism. Also, I'm seeing a bit of difference between German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegians people vs. Venezuelans, North Koreans, and Zimbabweans. Surly that doesn't have anything to do with their ability to have a functioning modern civilization?
  19. She's doing her strong women thing, girl power! Related, women's march supports backpage helping whores. Sure, some 70 percent of child trafficking goes on at backpage too but, the whores are strong independent women!
  20. You are arguing that he isn't a socialist, because he claims to be a democratic socialist?
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