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Everything posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. Or just be a decent Christian and find a decent Christian women. Pretty simple. Nobody will ever be able be able to make up bullshit on Mike Pence, because he won't even have dinner with a women without his wife being there.
  2. Even those on the left admit he's a socialist. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/30/bernie-sanders-socialist_n_7182752.html He wants 90% tax rate, and a huge government system to "create jobs". He wants a bunch of brainwashed idiots to vote for his new brand of socialism. It's admitted.
  3. It's not real socialism! I recommend this detailed book for anyone looking deeper into how and why socialism JUST WORKS when it's tried. https://www.amazon.com/Why-Socialism-Works-Harrison-Lievesley/dp/1521531218/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?
  4. Public safety net lmao https://www.fox25boston.com/news/25-investigates-welfare-cash-withdrawn-at-strip-clubs-cruise-ship-casinos/745369948
  5. Youtube routinely censors conservative channels, now they've gone full retard on gender. How long until they are forced to register as a political advocate?
  6. Why a black cube Hugo?
  7. I think the more interesting question is - are people's actions based on ideology or biology? Are people a blank slate?
  8. Yup. This has been the best part. What drives most people into caring one way or another isn't logic or ethos, it's repulsion. Leftists acting like total fucking morons drives way more people to the right then the right ever could. All they have to do is keep triggering insane leftists and people will be flocking to the right in greater numbers. Basically, the leftists ruined it for the liberals.
  9. There's a whole website for that. heyjackass.com
  10. They have been already? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/05/17/texas-rep-al-green-calls-president-trumps-impeachment-house-floor/101786744/ http://thehill.com/homenews/house/368783-maxine-waters-calls-for-trumps-impeachment-after-shithole-comment Guess these two idiots committed political suicide months ago.
  11. Turns out it was another Democrat $$$ scam.
  12. I think you missed the point, all the schools are indoctrinating instead of educating. They have become like public schools, you repeat what they want to hear instead of think for yourself. Imagine how much better grades you get when you repeat their left wing ideologies back to these fag professors. Hell, you write or talk about something they disagree with they have you disciplined for wrong think. Thank God I did engineering at Texas.
  13. Lol i saw that and posted to campus hysteria. Even great schools like Texas will only be worth it for STEM now the post modernists have taken over arts, and now sociology.
  14. https://pjmedia.com/trending/university-of-texas-to-treat-masculinity-as-a-mental-health-issue/ Men at Texas, be more of a faggot and stop that toxic masculinity.
  15. The original CT. The pyrimids arent Egyptian, nor are they jist tombs, they are far more ancient. This channel is awesome.
  16. https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahmimms/inside-a-divisive-fight-over-how-a-top-progressive-think
  17. Any summary of new evidence that has come out to show Trump campaign collusion with Russia or Russia's involvement in Wikileaks or the DNC was hacked by Russia?
  18. Because, everyone is exactly the same and we should all have equal outcomes. Never mind the natural processes in the universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_J._de_Solla_Price
  19. He's that bad eh? Never heard of Mensch or PalmerReport. Theres so many leftie propaganda outlets it's tough to know, my all time fav is center for American progress though. Soros lil baby.
  20. https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/nr18-45 New final round of documents on JFK released. Could be fun for us all to whip out our tinfoil hats and "look into it".
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