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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 35 minutes ago, yaqdum said:


    i've behaved in ways a few times that i'd hate to have to own up to.  nothing like the stuff schneiderman is accused of, but stuff i wish i hadn't done.  i'm beginning to believe that any man who wishes to be important should have himself neutered at 14.  12 if necessary.

    Or just be a decent Christian and find a decent Christian women. Pretty simple. Nobody will ever be able be able to make up bullshit on Mike Pence, because he won't even have dinner with a women without his wife being there.

  2. Just now, Viper said:

    Bernie isn't socialist, despite what he says. He's a social democrat. Venezuela is actual socialist. 

    Even those on the left admit he's a socialist. 


    He wants 90% tax rate, and a huge government system to "create jobs". He wants a bunch of brainwashed idiots to vote for his new brand of socialism. It's admitted.


    But that’s not the agenda Sanders has actually been promoting. Sanders doesn’t shrink from the label socialist, Andrew Prokop pointed out in a profile for Vox last year, but he generally identifies himself as a democratic socialist. The distinction matters.

    Democratic socialism, as generally conceived in the U.S., is a milder, more aspirational form of the ideology. Democratic socialists might not recoil at the thought of government running large industries, but they don’t actively pursue that goal. Instead, they focus on decidedly less radical objectives — like making the welfare state more generous, giving workers more power, limiting the influence of money on politics and policing the practices of business more closely.


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  3. 2 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Laughing at people who have lost their minds and care so much about politics has been good, I guess.


    This has been the best part. What drives most people into caring one way or another isn't logic or ethos, it's repulsion. Leftists acting like total fucking morons drives way more people to the right then the right ever could. All they have to do is keep triggering insane leftists and people will be flocking to the right in greater numbers. 

    Basically, the leftists ruined it for the liberals. 


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  4. 18 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:

    They have been already? 

    4 hours ago, JBJ said:

    No and no.  It'd be political suicide, and there's nothing to impeach him on.



    Guess these two idiots committed political suicide months ago. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Yes, we should go to bumblefuck America to get their take on free thinking / openmindedness.  LOL

    It seems you do realize the most sheltered, uneducated idiots live in small shithole cities.  So that's good - but you trying to come in with this fun, 'educated equals stupid' take is rich.  You can justify it however the fuck you want but the fact remains, the majority of small town America is stupid.  There's exceptions to every rule but you're fighting an uphill battle acting like the best minds are tucked away in America's armpit.  Hell, I'll say my dumbass from Oklahoma, and your dumbass from Iowa are the exceptions - we are both brilliant, clearly.  Still doesn't fix the overarching problem...

    Also are you trying to tell me IowaState/Oklahoma/Aggy truly have a higher intelligence quotient than UT because of some stupid fucking class they offer?  I fucking love seeing UT get their shit pushed in with whatever athletic endeavor they choose to participate in, but when it comes to brains, there's not much of a competition. 


    I think you missed the point, all the schools are indoctrinating instead of educating. They have become like public schools, you repeat what they want to hear instead of think for yourself. 

    Imagine how much better grades you get when you repeat their left wing ideologies back to these fag professors. Hell, you write or talk about something they disagree with they have you disciplined for wrong think. 

    Thank God I did engineering at Texas. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, XR4ticlone said:


    Let's be 100 honest here.  Most people are sheep.  They're conformists.  Sadly our education system has rewarded this & our society has as well.  

    Colleges have ceased to be educational institutions and have now become 90% indoctrination centers.  

    Look no further than UT...University of Texas to Treat Masculinity as a 'Mental Health' Issue -  https://pjmedia.com/trending/university-of-texas-to-treat-masculinity-as-a-mental-health-issue/

    What do you imagine would happen to a UT professor that came out and said that transgenders are mentally ill people in need of mental care...not gender reassignment surgery?  😯

    Educated =/= smart anymore...'Educated' now = indoctrinated.  Free thinking, open mindedness isn't allowed.   

    Lol i saw that and posted to campus hysteria. 

    Even great schools like Texas will only be worth it for STEM now the post modernists have taken over arts, and now sociology. 


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  7. https://pjmedia.com/trending/university-of-texas-to-treat-masculinity-as-a-mental-health-issue/

    Men at Texas, be more of a faggot and stop that toxic masculinity. 

    The Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas at Austin recently launched a new program to help male students “take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity.”

    Treating masculinity as if it were a mental health crisis, “MasculinUT” is organized by the school’s counseling staff and most recently organized a poster series encouraging students to develop a “healthy model of masculinity.”

    The program is predicated on a critique of so-called “restrictive masculinity.” Men, the program argues, suffer when they are told to “act like a man” or when they are encouraged to fulfill traditional gender roles, such as being “successful” or “the breadwinner.”

    "Act like a man" is bad for millenials. Ahahahahahah Texas will never really change, but it's hilarious to watch shitlibs grab headlines with their pure lunacy.

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  8. https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahmimms/inside-a-divisive-fight-over-how-a-top-progressive-think

    One of Washington's leading liberalinstitutions grappled with a divisive internal battle over sexual harassment during and in the aftermath of the 2016 election, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News and interviews with 19 current and former staffers.

    The Center for American Progress, the politics and policy hub for the Democratic establishment, has put out four differentpolicy proposal papers on handling sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as data on how pervasive the issue is “across all industries.”

  9. 3 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    Why is inequality an issue?  If I was able to wave a magic wand and give every person in poverty a 2,000 sqft home and lifetime supply of food, is that minimized if that same wave of the wand gives those at the top private jets and vacation homes?

    Because, everyone is exactly the same and we should all have equal outcomes. Never mind the natural processes in the universe.




  10. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Oh no Smokey, I will never put you on ignore.

    But you posting a Gohmert diatribe against Mueller is like me posting Shareblue, PalmerReport, or Mensch articles and expecting you to take them seriously.

    He's that bad eh? Never heard of Mensch or PalmerReport.

    Theres so many leftie propaganda outlets it's tough to know, my all time fav is center for American progress though. Soros lil baby.

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