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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 20 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    "Opportunistic" can be perceived as a compliment.  No need to sugarcoat it.  He's a piece of shit human being. 


    What is Don Lemon?

    • Fuck You 1
  2. There's been some interesting ones this past week.



    Police: Mom used kitchen knife to decapitate 7-year-old son (Moroccan National)



    Video captured Sunday shows a man on a motorcycle, Darin Hendrickson yelling for the driver of a car to pull over.

    Hendrickson said the driver threw a metal object at him and, instead of pulling over, the driver slams into him and takes off.

    Deputies said Medrano-Bonilla was driving without a license. Deputies arrested him for aggravated battery and driving without a license. 

    "There's a reason why he didn't have a license, there's a reason why he didn't own a car and there's a reason why he ran," said Hendrickson. 

    That reason, said Sarasota Sheriff Tom Knight, is because Medrano-Bonilla is here illegally. He came to the U.S from El Salvador in 2014.



    Police: 72-year-old Md. man impregnates 12-year-old girl, continues to sexually abuse her

    According to court documents, Perez was born in Guatemala, but has lived in the United States for nearly 20 years. 



    Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Manslaughter in Death of Sheriff’s Deputy



    Denis Amaya-Rodriguez was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison for killing three people.

    Rodriguez was driving a bus that crashed into a group of firefighters and multiple vehicles on the Interstate 10 bridge in LaPlace on Aug. 28, 2016. St. John District Fire Chief Spencer Chauvin, Jermaine Starr and Vontarous Kelly were all killed. Starr and Kelly were passengers in a car that was crushed by the bus. Chauvin died after being thrown over the bridge, along with two other firefighters who were seriously injured.


  3. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Alex is being paid by and doing Russia’s bidding. Everything he says nowadays and for the last few years is in picture perfect alignment with Russian interests. Look it up. 

    Or maybe you think the guys too ethical to do something like that. 

    Hi alex. You sucked on the football field too. 

    Ah, so thats whats going on. All-powerful Russia is pulling the levers.

    18 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    No, but it’s what Jones hung his hat on. And the 9/11 truther bullshit. 

    But BG seems to be what kicked Jones off to his rise of the male vitamin supplement hierarchy. 

    Alex isn't for 9/11 truth, he believes the official story and just thinks government actors "looked the other way". He's full of shit, he just purposely blends into any alternative hypothesis to discredit it and make it look stupid. He's the perfect controlled opposition, especially because low-IQ people who are anti-globalist tend to follow his every word.


  4. lol good Christian man, maybe he needs a new water filter or more snake oi-- eh... anti-globalist pills


    Haven't heard this until now, guessing he's off-script?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Amobie said:

    Right.. my point was obviously that I don't think many people will be motivated to March on 420 while they are busy getting stoned out of their fucking minds all day.

    They are going to push gun control on the easily hypnotized weak minded stoners, get them "on their side". They have conflated these two things before, in Hawaii. The plan is you trade in freedom of self-defense for freedom to dump pleasure chemicals in your brain. 

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    • Fuck You 1
  6. Just now, BrickHorn said:

    The real tragedy is that Alex Jones wasn’t killed at Sandy Hook. 

    Yeah this deadeye should've been able to take him out. 26 kills, only two injured.


    • Fuck You 6
  7. I like to think pedophiles wind up in hell. Look at this turd.



    Peter Dalglish CM (born 20 May 1957), is a Canadian humanitarian and founder of the Street Kids International charity and the Trails Youth Initiative program. Until 2015 he was the Country Representative for UN-Habitat in Afghanistan

    On April 8, 2018, Dalglish was arrested by Nepal Police from Kavre District on charges of pedophilia. Nepal's central investigation bureau confirmed that Dalglish is facing charges in a case involving two boys under the age of 15. A Nepal police spokesman confirmed that the bureau is investigating the possibility of more victims, adding that Dalglish could remain in custody for up to 25 days while the investigation continues. Dalglish was arrested at a home about 50 kilometres north of Kathmandu. Two girls, aged 12 and 14, were also found in the home during the arrest. If convicted, Dalglish faces up to 15 years in prison.


  8. What if Mueller is actually going to drain the fuck out of the swamp? What if Comey faked the beef between him and Trump to serve up the criminal politicians with his buddy Mueller and a good smokescreen. Apparently attorney-client privilege isnt a thing anymore. Sweet.

    • Fuck You 5
  9. Lmao this spineless faggot covered up Bills crimes in his "investigation". Covered up drug cartel money laundering for HSBC after sitting on their board. And now, he just got trolled by a four chin meme that someone wrote into the top secret bullshut "dossier" and leaked by media. 




    • Fuck You 2
  10. 2 hours ago, seven said:

    I suspect it has something to do with your low intellect and propensity for conspiracy theories, but I haven't studied much about what causes people to have bad takes so that's just a guess. 

    You didn't describe "my take" or your problem with it at all. You were in such a rush to jump to the character attacks. Sad!

  11. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Smokey my man, you should consider being more subtle in your troll. 

    You have to carry the weight of sheeeit, DSA, and Swam right now. 

    It's a huge burden but you can do it. 

    I know you feel like the overton window has shifted to complete insanity with all these boomers hanging from your balls, but posting an old DJT tweet where he points out the growing crime rate in the UK is due to their mass immigration isn't exactly trolling.

    They have the highest acid attacks in the world right now. Got any guesses how that has sprung up?



    He was proven right as their violent crime continues to spiral out of control while the rest of the modern world continues to see violent crime drop. 

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