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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. 1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

    Part of me thinks Israel should just claim Gaza and the West Bank, officially make them part of Israel, and then face the consequences. Whatever happens, happens.

    I'm down. It looks like the US long-term plan all along.


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  2. 12 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Once is a typo. But not twice.

    Bruh I'm shit at spelling.

    36 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    Gaza is under an external military occupation, so the answer to your question is "not really."

    I'm curious, by who? Isreal or Iran?




    Iran 'is intensifying efforts to support Hamas in Gaza'

    Iran has transferred tens of millions of dollars to Hamas's military wing in Gaza to help it rebuild after last summer's conflict with Israel, intelligence sources state

    Again, if these people they are throwing against Israels walls were peaceful, it would be fine. Since they are violent, they are delt with violently. It is curious though that they do not do this in any other direction, at any of their other borders. Only Israel. Why?

  3. 41 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I don't get the point that's being made.

    According to the article, 1/3 of all asylum seekers are younger than 18.  Okay...

    Some are trying to portray themselves as being that age. Okay...

    How many of the less than 18 are parents? No indication...

    What's normal for refugees???

    What, exactly, is the author trying to express in that piece? Massive fraud? Compared to what?

    Declaring that 1/3 of refugees are minors doesn't tell me anything other than a substantial portion of asylum-seekers are young. Is there something else I'm missing?

    What am I supposed to be upset about?

    Its a shit ton of people lying about their age for benifits. Whats normal for refugees doesnt fit this situation because they obviously arent redugees, they are just people who want a welfare check for not working in countries they dont culturally fit into.

    Look at the no-go zones and ask yourself, why?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Conservatives don’t think that, that’s just Republicans.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Government spending typically leads to waste as they will figure a way to squander that money without providing the services to the public as expected. Tax cuts are good for the consumer economy as everyday people have of their labor turned into currency to spend. 

    Neither cause inflation. Over expansion of the money supply causes inflation. The money isn't produced by the FED and passed through business to workers for their labor, the money is created from an ever expanding debt bubble. This is to the point where the debt bubble is so big it costs a lot because servicing that debt requires more debt.

    In short, switching to some type of limited supply currency like bitcoin or gold backed currency would solve the inflation issue. This could keep the value of the currency rising instead of falling. But then, interest rates would be forced to return to normal high amounts and less people would extend themselves into a huge amount of debt - this is what a large part of the economy is based on now so it would be chaos.

  5. US Dollars are fucked from fractional reserve lending. It's an instrument to be toyed with indefinitely because low interest rates have caused it to become completly unreliable. Inflation has been accelerating for a while now, at least I get more money on my check as to help since the pay will be slower to correct for higher prices.


  6. 31 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    Getting hot over there. What happens next?

    Israel's crimes get ignored by the media and the rest of the world. What do I win?

    Isreal protecting it's borders from terrorists isn't a crime. Why isnt Hamas pulling this shit towards Egypt or Jordan? Oh right, they would be immediately brutally murdered in masse and nobody would bat an eye.

    Wonder whatever happened to these idoits who barged in and screamed at a guy talking about Isreal at Texas.


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  7. 9 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    I guess but it's just a part of the platform and whomever is running the place doesn't care enough to mess with it right now. I'd rather it be gone so we don't see threads like this or whining from any of you over it. You started a thread about something that has no actual risk at all to it, unlike Shaggy where enough rep could get you booted. Rep here is even more meaningless here than it was over there. So who gives a shit if someone is using multiple accounts to give someone else meaningless negative feedback that does nothing to you unless you just can't stand people negging you? 

    It's always a competition. I wasn't in it to win it or anything but I pointed out when someone was manipulating so people who are could see its an easily rigged system. 

    I disagree that rep is meaningless here compared to there, since its a number next to your name on every post, rather than a little green bar.

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