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Posts posted by SmokeyBear1861

  1. On 4/7/2018 at 10:43 PM, SDG said:

    People who neg in a political forum are lame as fuck.  Talk about why your opinion is better rather than click a button.  

    lol it all started when I noticed @BYG Jacob negging me 6 times a day for a few days, I negged back 6 times and he created 6 accounts and negged me 60 times. 

    Funny how one sperg can shit on anyones "reputation" on the site by just creating 6 more socks.

    • Like 4
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  2. shittt.jpg


    Notice anything missing? 

    Soon it will be more and more obvious, but Google has been doing the same data mining and censorship shit as facebook, blaming it on their algorithms. It's pretty clear from their one sided censorship at youtube that isn't the case. The algorithm demonetizes, requires age verification, or deletes videos that go against their views. While they may be a private company, they still have to follow their own rules and treat their customers fairly. Pretty interesting as the newer generations are increasingly programmed by these gadgets, they are just getting the one-sided version of reality instead of the whole picture. In my view this causes many to seek out the Truth, and drives them further away from the original message they were trying to push.

    I always thought the whole purpose of freedom of speech was to let all sides express their opinions, then let the best arguments win over the hearts and minds of the public. As soon as you begin restricting some, it has the Streisand effect, as well as escalation... 


    A video of the Google home, asking it about muhammed and jesus... Similar thing used to happen in search, it would have a breaddown of these religious leaders, but for Jesus it didn't.

    Anyway, the more you look into Google, you find out it is deeply intertwined with intelligence agencies and political figures, and has many testicles overseas as well. 

    Will Google catch the same backlash for censorship as Facebook is catching for data mining?

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, BYG Jacob said:

    Have no idea what you are talking about, obsession noted though.

    Did you forget the sperg out negging me 5 times a day for a week, then I hit ya back 5 times, and you create 6 socks to neg me 50 times?

    Do you have memory loss as well as psychosis? 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, BYG Jacob said:

    If you didn't post stupid bullshit so constantly I wouldn't neg you. And on shaggy I had an older account with more posts than you, you fucking idiot.

    Oh ok.

    8 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Why don’t you two take this lovers’ spat over to shaggy

    Yeah I shouldn't have replied but it is just hilarious this nutjob negging me 6 times a day is crying about getting it in return. Maybe he hasn't figured out ignore? Probably just a sock.

    Rep obviously doesn't matter at all on this site, if you can sock your way to the top. Also, Clock Room has turned into Hugo room, literally 40 percent of the front page threads are started by him and it's just twitter copied here.

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  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israels-migrant-problem-its-not-just-about-africans/ar-AAvBoqD

    Israel's Migrant Problem: It's Not Just About Africans


    Why don't the Palestinians march on Iran, Syria, Egypt and Jordan?

    The truth is that Israel, in a Middle East founded on abomination, state terror and violence, constitutes the closest thing to Amnesty International, with rules of engagement that many Western countries dream of and that fulfill many Western principles in a barbaric environment. The Palestinian Arabs and the international community know that and they play with Israel's right to exist.

    Interesting situation over there, never thought about how tough it is for them, and how much different they treat the Hamas than thier neighbors. 

  6. 17 hours ago, wood said:

    I only bodysurf, but I love watching 'real' surfing. Just such a beautiful and amazing sport. So, I guess the WSL is what used to be the ASP, right? Is WSL competition strictly head to head with just two guys in the water, unlike the old way where you had several guys out there competing for waves and racking up scores?

    Yeah its changed names. There are different formats for different spots. Usually it's 4 men heats with the top two continuing and the 3rd guy has to surf and win another early heat to continue. Then head to head for the last couple of rounds. 

    I wish I could watch it more, I typically watch most of the action on heat analyzer. 

    Driving down the sea wall in Galveston now. Wind is blowing onshore still. Waist high + and sloppy. Front is supposed to hit and flip the wind before 9. Hope it gets good for a few hours. 

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  7. 29 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I think that an impeachment in Feb 2019 is likely. Senate will remove from office if there is evidence of collusion; if there is nothing linking Trump to collusion, and the charges are some obstruction case or something about pre-existing shady business, they do not remove. All bets off if Dems take Senate though. 


    Bring it

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    It's called concern trolling. He doesn't actually want any facts.

    Concern trolling? How is asking when the evidence is going to come out derailing?

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    You have a lot of questions, which would suggest at first glance that you're an intellectually curious person. But that you ask the same questions in perpetuity and either never understand, or never care to contemplate, the answers provided to you would suggest otherwise. People have attempted to give paint-by-numbers responses to you as they realize the depths of your ignorance, and still you spout the same garbage like a political Teddy Ruxpin.

    I get that you're rooting real hard for your guy to be vindicated. Congratulations on that. I feel that this is an issue of such importance to our country that it deserves to be seen through to the end. Regardless of how long that takes. Go ahead, have someone flip the cassette tape in your back and hit play so you can ask me how long it will take. Do it. I'll give you the same answer I gave last time. You're an idiot.

    So, no estimation on date.

    Also, I voted for MICKY MOUSE like I do every four years, because I think that the entire political system is just a front. I believe the country is run by the military though the intelligence agencies, and that the politics shown to the public is just a show to keep everyone entertained. Lots of people fighting over left vs. right, different people shuffle into and out of office, yet America and the American military keeps on doing what its doing around the world. I think they are puppets, cheer leaders, and I just enjoy Trumps brand of cheer leading because it pisses off the intellectually dishonest left.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, VRHorn said:

    A whole bunch of people have answered this. Best guess is the following timeline, but it's a guess because there are essentially no leaks from Mueller.

    • Dems take House in November
    • Preliminary report and/or shitload of charges around December or January (if not sooner)
    • Dems start impeachment proceedings in February or March
    • Senate (?)
    • Profit

    Thank you VRHorn. Finally someone with balls. So Feburary 2019 we get to find out some facts.

    • Fuck You 3
  11. 1 minute ago, TornACL said:

    It's not a spelling handicap, you don't understand the difference.

    Anyone who has to ask the question "When will it end?" doesn't understand even the basic concepts of an investigation. And like I've told you now multiple times, "moving on it immediately" is the dumbest fucking concept espoused on this thread. Thank God you're an engineer and not a district attorney. "Welp, the boys in blue found the murder weapon...let's go to the judge in 30 minutes and present our entire case!"

    I didn't vote for Hillary, you fucking rube.

    Okie dokie, did you vote for tongue tied Johnson?

    So they have the evidence they need to "get" Trump? When are they going to share it with the people paying for the investigation?

    What is the goal of the investigation? Will it just end up being a cover-up like the Hillary e-mail investigation?

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