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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Just finished this recently as well. Now I need to get around to reading Treasure Island.
  2. Yeah, it definitely felt like The Revenant, but the opening got my hopes up with a bit of spaghetti western styling.
  3. Would be handy to have to pair with a carbine for varmints at the ranch.
  4. https://www.twz.com/air/heres-what-norads-commander-just-told-us-about-the-langley-afb-drone-incursions
  5. https://medium.com/@m.finks/nasas-metallic-orbs-the-surprising-briefing-everyone-missed-70a6ff6a231c I apologize for not posting as plain text. Apparently that's no longer a thing that works properly.
  6. It'll be interesting to see what happens to Lucchese when all this dies down.
  7. And reflecting back on this sentence, it is a wonder why we wonder why immigrant communities tend to prefer to speak their native language instead of mastering the English language.
  8. Yeah, the Comanche were the ultimate boogeyman of the west and not a true barometer for native Americans as a whole. Pretty much everything the white man did they did as well, but worse. That's not to say that there hasn't been a shift towards James Fennimore Cooper's "noble savage" in recent years, but only that the Comanches are a definite outlier.
  9. I have a Wii somewhere in storage that does a pretty good job. I can let you have it for $10k. That's half your budget.
  10. If their back leg gets injured, you'll often see the opposite antler grow all funky.
  11. I have those same blue Anderson Beans, but in size 12. Mine are in serious need of a rebuild, though. Good boots.
  12. Black Sails. If you haven't watched it yet you shoulder give it the old college try. Warrior as well.
  13. Y'all take it to the Elon thread where it belongs.
  14. I've been throwing "That's so wizard" into conversations when the kids are around.
  15. Nobody mentioned our resident expert on being rear ended yet? @NowThis
  16. 30 super carry necked down to a 25 would make a nifty handgun/carbine combo for ranch varmint duty, though.
  17. Qidi X-plus3 runs about $500 and is pretty much plug and play with the capability to print carbon fiber reenforced nylon. 1kg of PLA runs about $20-30. The more engineering grade materials will run twice that or more, and many of them will need to be dried in a dehydrator before and possibly during printing. But you can print out all the parts you need to roll your own stuff for things like that if you can force heating elements and other electronic bits.
  18. Cut little pet door in the wall and find a cat to live in there. The body heat should keep it warm enough to prevent freezing.
  19. So, if you accidentally shoot down a friendly while flying your jet, do you get to paint a tiny silhouette of it below your cockpit?
  20. And Gregg County is notable absent from the list of confirmed mountain lion sightings...
  21. No one was reporting sightings of black lynx? I'm not sure I've seen that claim. A google search in this case is pretty useless, as pretty much all the results are going to be recent. But, as I said earlier, I'm not saying we have any melanistic cougars now. I'm saying it's very possible that melanistic cougars may have existed once (among other explanations for black panthers). Whether or not the eastern cougar once existed as a subspecies of mountain lion has been debated for quite some time, but the simple fact is we have very little data to say either way. It is very possible that Gloger's Rule applied to populations in the southeast and there were melanistic cats before they became extirpated a hundred years or so ago. There are not just historic accounts of sightings, but accounts of them being killed. The reality is we have no way of knowing what existed other than going off of historic accounts. We have areas in Texas where melanistic deer are much more common. It is certainly possible that the same was true of mountain lions in the south. Unfortunately they were extirpated along with their genetic footprint. The current populations of big cats being seen are primarily western migrants, which wouldn't have the same evolutionary pressure to preserve any melanistic mutations in their gene pool. Of course, there are several other options for those historic accounts. Ocelots are known to have had populations extending into Arkansas and Louisiana historically. I believe fossils have been discovered in Florida. They are known to have a melanistic color morph. Bobcats are also known to have a melanistic color morph. One study in Florida encountered them at a rate of .5%. Either one of those could account for some of the stories of black panthers. Bobcats could also account for some of the sightings. But mostly it is probably a combination of a lot of things that lead to false sightings. People see what they want to see. As far as the claim of no documentation of melanistic or black mountain lions goes, the vast majority of biologists are not in fact historians. They don't read primary documentation, they just repeat what other non-historian biologists have told them.
  22. Cobbling is repairing shoes. Cordwaining is making them.
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