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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. I have a few SAA clones in .38/.357 and a Miroku made Winchester 1873 in .357 that is the smoothest lever action you will ever shoot, but unfortunately it is picky on bullet overall length because of the way the carrier block in the actual works. The one time I tried .38 in it I had to remove the magazine cap to get it unjammed.
  2. Takeaway is still my favorite. It's a bush wee!
  3. So it was mid February of this year, and it was specifically about Russia nuclear capabilities in space with regards to anti satellite stuff. If they put an EMP in orbit to destroy some or one of our satellites you don't think we'd shoot it down as a matter of course to show we won't tolerate that sort of stuff? So it was mid February of this year, and it was specifically about Russia nuclear capabilities in space with regards to anti satellite stuff. If they put an EMP in orbit to destroy some or one of our satellites you don't think we'd shoot it down as a matter of course to show we won't tolerate that sort of stuff?
  4. A month or two ago, there was a news story I happened across on one of the UFO subreddits that there was something in space that was gravely concerning to the US government. A week or so later, there was a news story about a satellite deorbitting and burning up in the atmosphere. Of course they said it was some ordinary satellite, but I wonder if that was a cover for us shooting down a satellite with a nuke or maybe an EMP. Prime tinfoil hat stuff, yes, but certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
  5. That's not a good area to wreck a bike. Not that any is. I hope you at least got to enjoy a good meal at Ozark Cafe. Highway 7?
  6. Wtf? This will not stand!
  7. So we're gonna have to wait like what, two years for the next season?
  8. I have a great aunt named Rene. Her mom pronounced it Renny because she had only ever seen it in books and never heard it said.
  9. Yeah, but then you have to explain it to your wife.
  10. If they film it and post it here, will it summon @NowThis?
  11. I think Netflix is pretty well poised with so many other streaming platforms falling apart. They're content seems to be improving lately as they scoop it up from the failing platforms.
  12. So you disagree with the first one you quoted? Interesting...
  13. But what does this have to do with energy efficiency lighting?
  14. This. My wife is fond of putting forks tines down so they slip through the bottom and stop the rotor thingy below from turning and ensuring nothing gets clean.
  15. Blackthorne with the legendary reloading speed on that pistol of his. It probably takes a couple minutes to reload one of those. And where does he keep his powder and accoutrements?
  16. Lol. Is there anybody anywhere who likes that winey brat?
  17. For those of us who haven't already had one made for them? I mean, I guess that's a good deal for an ill fitting tux with probable questionable style choices.
  18. In one of the videos I got, you can see two satellites zooming across the sky away from the devil's butthole.
  19. Bright and sunny at Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas.
  20. Looks like the weather up here at our campsite in Arkansas might hold out.
  21. Watched the first episode of Warrior tonight. 1870's San Francisco Chinatown organized crime stuff. Has a bit of a Guy Ritchie feel like The Gentleman. Same showrunner as Banshee, so.... Anyhow, I'll keep watching for now.
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