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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. So resurrected by the night sisters?
  2. I received my Form 1 approval for my amnesty brace today, so time to start looking at stock options. Anybody run one of those short PDW buffer tube/stock systems? This is on a 10.5" 300 BLK (now)SMR. I'm looking for something compact, but reliable enough for shooting deer and pigs. I already have another 300 BLK that is my primary scary hunting gun. Also, it's a crappy Radical Firearms gun with a super low serial number (like under 30) and shoots to the left, so I don't want to spend a ton of money on a super fancy set-up, especially until I can spend the time to figure out what the deal with the shooting off is. For anybody wondering about wait times, I submitted my eFile Form 1 on May 31 and then sent in paper fingerprint cards the next week because there wasn't a place nearby I could find to do the electronic ones in time. so three and a half months. Also, I only sent in one set of fingerprint cards instead of the two I think you are supposed to send in, and it still got approved. I guess they figured they are going to digitize them anyways and rejecting it for that is just more paperwork for them to do later when I resubmit a paper Form 1 and they get to type everything in.
  3. She believes in far more governmental influence in the market in order to correct things that most think need to be corrected than I believe is necessary. My opinion of how things should work and her opinion of how things should work both would require somewhat radical changes, but both have merits that should be debated in good faith. I don't believe she wants to destroy the country or anything sinister like that. I think it is quite the opposite. I just disagree with the best way to do it. Also, I'm not sure her idea of civil rights is as expansive as mine. She comes from a progressive, rather than a truly liberal, perspective.
  4. Well killing the smoker certainly doesn't fix their problem. It might make you feel better, but I'm pretty sure getting raped in prison will eventually make you feel worse.
  5. Let's remember that there is a difference between federal rules and laws. Congress writes laws, and then executive agencies write rules (which sometimes change every four to eight years with criminal consequences) to interpret those laws in whichever way the executive branch sees fit within reason that theoretically is bound by the judicial branch. Some of these rules and the laws they are based on may be unconstitutional, but still stand only because they haven't been challenged yet. This is particularly a problem with regard to rules because they can change quicker than the courts can react to them. Also, some of y'all need to learn the difference between past and present tense.
  6. They don't really have any other choice, so I don't blame the union members themselves. It's more of a systemic problem. But as far as unions collaborating goes, how exactly is that different than companies forming cartels? They're taking a resource and defacto monopolizing it, which leads to the same problems. now, I'm only speaking theoretically, this case obviously deals with different realities.
  7. And all those things happen in reverse if unions are allowed to monopolize the labor market. If unions actually have to compete against each other there is more balance. If not, we burn it all to the ground.
  8. While I'm a fan of unions, I do think they've gotten a little out of control. I work with a lot of former union guys who now work at our place which isn't unionized. Most of them are fairly young and pretty motivated, so good workers. The stories they tell about their former work places are the kind of stories that make you question how we were ever an manufacturing superpower. Now, we get plenty of benefits from being a workplace that is typically unionized but isn't, like better pay, better benefits, better all that. But there is still accountability, so I appreciate the the threat of unionization exists. The idea of unionization is a great check against corporate greed and stuff like excessive executive compensation. I think the biggest problems with unions isn't that they exist, but that they've been allowed to monopolize the trades. Just like anything else, competition needs to exist so that things don't get out of hand. We are better of as long as workers have the right to unionize, but establishing national unions that have a monopoly on the labor market is just as detrimental as having a monopoly on any other market.
  9. While I disagree with plenty of her views, I agree that she is refreshing. She is smart and seems to genuinely care about what she believes in. We need more politicians like her, and she likely has a pretty significant future in politics ahead of her.
  10. He should probably get convicted since he pretty much admitted to it (And it is notoriously hard to convict someone for lying on a 4473 because it is difficult to prove and not really worth the time to investigate). However, he should appeal it because, frankly, taking away someone's constitutional rights without due process is kind of unconstitutional. Not mention that the law was likely written that way to keep scary black people from being able to own guns. But, wait, there's more! Based on the precedent set forth in Haynes v US, the bit about lying on the form should be thrown out as well, as it requires one to testify against themself in order to purchase a gun. The courts don't even have to reference the second amendment, other than to acknowledge that it is the civil right the defendant was seeking to exercise, in order to strike it down.
  11. I'm imagining an Asian spinner wearing only cowboy boots. Am I doing it right? Also, pics?
  12. So what exactly is the offensive false start rule? Because there were multiple times on the last Bills' drive where there were players on the O-line who threw up their hands right before the snap.
  13. I'm of the opinion that they put Zeb in The Mandalorion just to spread out some of the CCI costs out so they could afford to put him in this. So fingers crossed.
  14. Texans are like, "at least our o line didn't look that bad "
  15. In the car, Mrs. NAAL is watching some TikTok video that shows a clip of Darth Vader's redemption. Which movie is that from? ...Return of the Jedi... Oh. I guess I missed that part.
  16. Counterpoint, the drive is worth it because parisa. Counterpoint, the drive is worth it because parisa.
  17. Um... that's kinda one of the themes...
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