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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Like I said, I rarely shoot it, so I'll throw in 50 of these guys. I can even draw dicks on the bullets with a sharpie for added amusement.
  2. The non human biologics comment was in reference to recovering pilots, so probably not a potted plant. As far as hearsay goes, his job as an intelligence officer was to collect information about UAV's, assess its reliability, and consolidate it into reports and such. He said he had seen documentation and photographs, but only interviewed people who had seen these things in person. He gave his information, including lists of witnesses to the Inspector General of the intelligence community who conducted their own investigation and deemed it reliable and urgent enough to grant whistleblower protections. I would say that fits a higher standard than simple hearsay.
  3. If we can send one, it needs to be dipped in a camo pattern. Something like this: Maybe a burnt orange Longhorn logo on one side of the reciever and a ms paint of putin eating a bag of dicks on the other.
  4. There was a time when I was single and child free while making low six figures.
  5. .950 JDJ is obviously a more practical choice.
  6. So you don't think that videos of UAP's doing physics defying things where even the Navy admits that they don't know what they are and have no explanation for are credible? Where they have confirmed that other sensors indicated that it really did do those things? There is plenty of evidence out there, but the government has spent so much time gaslighting the public into thinking that it is some sort of crazy thing to believe they are real that the public just dismisses the issue outright when there have been plenty of credible people come out and say "this really is real." Anyhow, yesterday was just a first step in the process. The ICIG has already reviewed that classified evidence that could not be shared publicly and determined it to be credible and urgent. This includes interviewing other people involved (those with first hand knowledge) and reviewing classified documents that they have access to. The evidence you seek will come out in due time, but the proper process has to be followed. Whether or not you accept it when it does, is up to you.
  7. I have a spypoint camera. $15 a month for unlimited pictures, and it sends them to an app on your phone. Batteries can last a few months if it is not set somewhere where it is constantly going off and there is good cellular reception. This is with it set to send pictures twice a day. If you set it to send pictures immediately it will run them down much more quickly. It also has a micro SD card that can be swapped out. The pictures saved to the card have a higher resolution than the ones it sends to your phone.
  8. We're gonna have to play a bit better than we did last night if we want to do that.
  9. Well, I was trying to keep it non cr, so I declined to mention that bit. Otherwise it was quite refreshing.
  10. No cr intended, but if you go back and watch the hearings, there was an impressive amount of bipartisan cooperation. It was as if our government was actually functioning as it should.
  11. I have more ammo than I'll probably ever shoot, I could probably donate some.
  12. I think this was more of a hearing to establish under oath that governmental and non governmental organizations have these things, etc. and are working secretly on them without congressional oversight. There was lots of talk of classification and passing legislation to overhaul out classification system with regards to UAP's. Also establishing procedures for reporting and investigating them.
  13. Also, -US corporations receiving shadow money to reverse engineer alien tech. -Our government has known about this since the 1930's -To provide a list of cooperative and non-cooperative witnesses to congress as well as locations of crashes and recovered craft and locations of where to look for information regarding them.
  14. FYI, congressional hearing begins in less than half an hour.
  15. Another Rec for Rebels. Clone Wars is good too, with the exception of a handful of episodes, but it is a pretty sprawling story that has so much going on that it feels like more of a slog at times. Rebels is pretty tight story wise and looking back after you finish the series it doesn't really feel like any episodes were wasted.
  16. Anybody who starts a thread about a Twitter thread and only posts the first tweet should be banned.
  17. If global thermonuclear war erupts before the governments admits it has recovered alien spacecraft parts in the hearings on the 26th I'm gonna be pissed!
  18. What kind of person do you have to be to respond like that? If what @BearSchlongsaid is accurate, the grandfather thought he had emptied his weapon (1) and then placed it out of reach (2). Now, our standards now for securing a gun are more stringent than that, but what he did was probably extra careful for his generation. But you don't miss a beat and go out and lump him in with a group of traitors who wished to subvert the very fabric that holds our country together?
  19. I just leave them on all the time as I prefer it. My ADD makes it hard for my brain to focus on what is being said with all the background noise in movies and TV nowadays, so having the titles on helps me keep up with what is going on.
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