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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Looks like a pretty nice skillet. Is there anybody else doing cast iron these days that actually takes the time to grind the inside down smooth? But still, the price is crazy.
  2. What's going on in Belgorod these days? All that seems to have kind of slipped away into the background.
  3. The nacho ones from Mexico are second only to the Roulette Cool Ranch.
  4. 300 blk is about a perfect brush country gun. Put a red dot on it and you can get on target super fast and put anything within 100 yards down so easily. It's basically like the modern version of a .30-30 lever gun.
  5. Speaking of rocketmen, @RamjetFDO any commentary to offer here on this latest stuff?
  6. Are English, French and German women as crazy as Americans? Depends on how you feel about getting shat on.
  7. It's not hinting at cover ups. It is straight up accusations by people directly involved with it. As in the Air Force intelligence officers who were photographed with wether balloon debris after the Roswell incident are saying that what they found was entirely different material unlike anything they had ever seen and they were told to instead pose with weather balloon debris and told to keep their mouths shut. Numerous other officers throughout history reporting seeing UFO's or UAP's around sites involving our nuclear missiles, even disabling whole groups of them. The soviets also had records after the Cold War of the same type of stuff. We have radar tapes from them showing vehicles approaching and doing stuff no known earthly vehicle is capable of. We have radar evidence and live witness testimony from our own military within the last decade that our government has admitted is real and they can't explain. The preponderance of evidence points in one direction.
  8. You sure have a lot of pent up hate for people who are merely seeking to pay honest money for a room and maybe some meals.
  9. There's a significant number of government officials and military officers who have been involved with this stuff who have come forward and said there's a lot going on that certain people have worked extremely hard to hide. At this point we've crossed from conspiracy theory type stuff to the point where there is a significant likelihood that we are not alone.
  10. If youve already taken the class, isn't submitting the same paper just showing proof that you've already learned the material?
  11. FYI, The Phenomenon is on Tubi to watch for free. It's well worth the hour and a half it takes to watch it.
  12. You wouldn't even need that. Pump dirty seawater through a shell and tube exchanger with clean water on the other side, then pump the clean water through a radiator type exchanger with forced ventilation. It probably wouldn't be as cool as a freon cooled system, but you wouldn't have to worry about coils freezing up or any of that.
  13. Couldn't you just pump seawater through a heat exchanger to cool off the inside?
  14. A deterrent to making money? What's the point in being rich if you can't drive as fast as you want? I guess I'm not planning to be rich anymore.
  15. Interesting. Homeboy with the helmet cam is running an M16 variant, while his buddy to the right has an AK variant. I'm sure Russian logistics is having no problem keeping them supplied with the proper ammo.
  16. Just rewatch Deadwood, The Wire, and the Sopranos. Should pretty much get you through summer.
  17. Give soldiers just a little spare time and they will come up with some crazy stuff. My brother said when they were in Afghanistan they used to wrap grenades with C4, then wrap it with barbed wire, and then duct tape.
  18. Need to get an actual stock for it now.
  19. So how many form 1's are getting filed tonight, and what happens when the ATF's website can't handle the load?
  20. I told my daughter I had to finish BOTW before we could get the new Zelda game, and she's been obsessed with playing it ever since. The only problem is she just finished kindergarten, so she is constantly asking for help with what they are saying or how to get one of the horses to some random village she wants to live in.
  21. Anybody else having problems with it not showing shows that you've been watching on the continue watching list? I've been watching The Sopranos and it doesn't show up, and it doesn't keep track of the episodes I've watched since the switch.
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