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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Dino nuggets out of the air fryer for the win.
  2. Biologist at a deer breeding ranch. Working the deer through the chute, bottle raising fawns, etc. As the fawns get older they get pretty hangry around feeding time.
  3. Been there. They look cute, but those hooves are sharp.
  4. The theory of evolution was a pretty extraordinary claim when it was first proposed. Yet we really don't have any instances of extraordinary proof. Because that's not actually how science works. What we do have is an extraordinary body of small bits of evidence.
  5. The *for no particularly good reason* part is the flaw here. It's not exactly disputed history that the US government created Project Blue Book with the intention of misleading our Soviet adversaries. There are plenty of documents out there that also confirm that part of the mission of Blue Book was to obscure things we couldn't explain by flooding us with things we could. So there's one good reason, given the politics at the time. But if you assume for the sake of argument that we somehow recovered an interterestrial craft of some sort, what would the consequences be? Obviously we would try our best to reverse engineer it. What sort of secrets would we unlock? Anything with the capability for interplanetary travel would obviously need to have an energy source that is pretty impressive. More so than anything we have that us publicly known. And the only things we know about that fit that description also happen to be pretty handy for making bombs out of. Any source of energy that is dense enough to break the laws of physics as we know the can be weaponized.
  6. What if we are dealing with some sort of Von Neumann Probe? We crash spacecraft all the time in the interest of exploration. It's proven to work. Also, if a species has been advanced enough for long enough, who is to say we aren't seeing the equivalent of teenagers taking their parents' ships out for a joyride? Once a technology becomes common enough, commoners use it.
  7. Humans still trip, hit their head, and die. Despite having evolved to walk for millions of years. To believe that a civilization capable of interstellar travel can't have oopsies is illogical. Furthermore, it assumes that the only ones capable of coming are their very best. How many of our attempts at exploring our planet have ended poorly? Didn't an idiot just recently implode ab idiotly designed submarine? Hubris is basically a law of the universe.
  8. If you have an Audible subscription, the book Witness to Roswell is available for free. Listen to it on your commute. The number of witnesses supporting a flying saucer crash is overwhelming. Not just second hand witnesses, but many many first hand witnesses. Many of them these high ranking individuals that supposedly don't exist. The audio book is free if you have an audible subscription, so no reason not to check it out.
  9. It was the crash dummies that weren't created until after the event at Roswell. As for project Mogul, the claimed balloon launch was canceled. And none of the materials themselves were classified, just the mission. Not to mention that they launched weather balloons all the time from the base and would have immediately known exactly what it was. And the hundreds of witnesses who later came forward.
  10. I had a big pack of cows on mine from this past week. But I just have a cheap stand and feed covered in cattle panels and chicken wire and anchored with T-posts. Not all of us are bourgeoisie.
  11. I just now saw where TPWD has expanded doe days this season to pretty much the whole first month of the season for most East Texas counties. This is a great move, albeit slow in coming. Slowly but surely the general public is becoming more and more educated about basic deer management. When I took Wildlife 101 in 2004, the average age of a buck killed in East Texas was something like 1.9 years old. Since then we have seen antler restrictions and expanded doe days over much of the area. Harvesting a mature buck is no longer a rare occurrence for the average hunter. We still have a long way to go, with the ever shrinking plot size where people are hunting and the "I'd better shoot him now before the neighbors do" attitude, bu I believe the general public is seeing enough results to overcome resistance to regulations that should have been made years ago from a strictly management perspective.
  12. You should try some black powder blasting. Done judiciously...
  13. Same. I've used mine on trash pandas trying to raid my feeder. Mine is the 4x, but I wish I had bought the 2x for a better field of view. You don't really need the extra magnification at the ranges it is good for, and our land is timbered, so I don't really have any need to upgrade the illuminator.
  14. So we are just supposed to know from the lack of context that the commander of the thunderbirds bit was in the future and not the past?
  15. Ambiguous pronouns are going to be the downfall of society. How are we to know if you are referring to your roommate or his brother?
  16. They probably just wanted to see if it would work.
  17. I don't know about Norway, but if it is anything like here, you can't trust those figures. They are usually base pay. Most shift schedules have around 8 hours of overtime per paycheck built in. I hit my annual base pay mid August, with 9 paychecks left in the year. So I'll make about a third of my money from overtime this year. And I'm about average (I actually pulled up the company overtime database report the other day out of curiosity).
  18. Yeah, that's a problem. As I said earlier, labor is a resource. And when a single entity controls that resource, there is a problem. We should caution ourselves when dealing with a subject like this, because it often turns our preconceived notions upside down. I'm in favor of unions. They help keep companies in check. But when they control the entire market for labor for a whole region, they have become the same thing that they are supposed to counter.
  19. Nobody said they aren't earning or don't deserve that overtime pay, you smooth brained nut goggling idiot. If you had even the reading comprehension of a second grader, you would have seen that it was merely in the context of how much their total yearly compensation is. Nobody said they aren't earning or don't deserve that overtime pay, you smooth brained nut goggling idiot. If you had even the reading comprehension of a second grader, you would have seen that it was merely in the context of how much their total yearly compensation is.
  20. 80k base pay is closer to 110-120k or more with overtime. 115k base pay is more like 150k or more with overtime.
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