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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Martin Creek is probably the worst state park I've been to, but still it's a state park that is close to a lot of people for a weekend getaway and I believe the fishing is supposed to be pretty good due to the power plant.its probably worth saving just for those reasons. With a bit more funding, they could probably make it decent. It's pretty sad that Oklahoma and Arkansas have much better state park systems than we do. Obviously they have mountains and stuff that we don't have in much of Texas that makes them more attractive getaways, but there is still a need for places to get away and go camping nearby and educational facilities to teach kids about nature.
  2. It's all worthless, of course. Send it to me and I'll at least provide a place to put it out to pasture so to speak.
  3. Ok, so I said I would update this thread last summer after our trip down there and I didn't. Apologies. So here is an installment. We went up to Pinal de Amoles coming from the Queretaro side and spent a night. The town itself didn't feel too remarkable as far as beautiful buildings and stuff other than you could feel the potential for lots of cool stuff to explore in the area. Restaurants were spotty and the roads were narrow because it was basically built on the side of the mountains. We still had our big Nissan NV van at the time, and there were a few places where we had to roll down the windows, pull the mirrors in, and cross our fingers just to make it to our Airbnb. The town was up in the clouds, so it was pretty misty the whole time and I couldn't get any pictures that did it justice. The drive up, however, was pretty awesome. You go from dessert all the way through several transitional ecosystems on the way up with great views the whole way. Sucks to be the driver, however, because the roads demand attention unless you pull off and spend a bit of time to take it all in. Anyhow, we went to this place called Puente de Dios (Queretaro, not San Luis Potosi) nearby. More sketchy roads of course, but nothing you can't handle in a normal vehicle unless you get caught in a situation where you actually have to pass someone going the other way. You have to pay a reasonable amount of Pesos to get a tour guide to take you up the trail, but you are rewarded by a stream flowing through what at times almost feels like a slot canyon. The path is often suspended on the side of the canyon. After a decent hike in which is easily accessible for young kids you get to the Peunte de Dios. It doesn't look like too much from this view, but what you are basically looking at is a land bridge over the stream with shafts of water flowing into it from giant rock vaginas in the ceiling. This is the view from inside, looking the same direction as the previous picture. There are also active silver mines on the trail down to the Puente de Dios, and you can buy rocks full of silver ore from the locals along the trail. Also, Pulque. On the drive down into the valley you will see lots of maguey being cultivated on the sides of mountains that are far to steep for any sane person to try and cultivate anything. After you get done with your hike, take a bit of time to enjoy some locally and traditionally made pulque. Apologies for the sideways pictures, that happens whenever I upload them unless I edit them in some way and ain't nobody got time for that.
  4. Probably not, but are somewhat likely to look at the description of the show in the app to see who made it, who's in it, and what it is about. If you just randomly include the drivers who were the creative vision behind the show/movie who made it happen along with a bunch of random other folks, then it kind of hides their importance.
  5. As far as condiments go, stuff like Whataburger Spicy Ketchup stays, because we don't always have it on hand (no HEB nearby, unless I go out to the family land to put out deer corn or swap the batteries or memory card on the game cam and drive ten minutes out of the way each way to stop by a paltry HEB Pantry Foods store that is mostly just depressing). Random stuff that we already have, well it probably stays also until the fridge purge that happens every couple months or so. You were doing good until the last sentence.
  6. Maybe check a bike shop?
  7. The original language is always superior. Plus, I'm ADD, so my mind has a difficult time isolating the sound from the TV when there is other background noise, like the AC coming on behind the wall behind the couch, so I generally run with subtitles all the time. The dubbed versions rarely match the subtitles, which makes trying to pay attention while my mind is trying to reconcile the differences between them extra tough.
  8. What about asking for Charro Beans instead of refried?
  9. What's this? You lousy Presbies are trying to encroach upon the Baptist Church's God given right to have commitees to oversee commitees? Sounds like we need to find an Academy parking lot to sort this all out. Just remember, my daddy can beat up your daddy.
  10. You have to wonder, though... They spent all that money building the thing. Is Disney the kind of company to flush all of that money connected to a popular franchise down the drain? I've seen the Ryan's World videos about that place, because I have young kids who hate me. Yeah, they spent a bunch of money building it, but a lot of that cost is services associated with the experience. Eliminate those services and you still have a big investment in the buildings themselves. I'm betting that there will be affordable Disney deals involving staying in a Republic Star cruiser in the future, because they aren't going to demo all that junk that they spent so much money on. So this is good news for us Star Wars nerds.
  11. This seems appropriate.
  12. The 6mm Flobert isn't regulated as a firearm in the Czech Republic because it is an old parlor gun cartridge that is basically a percussion cap with a projectile without any powder for indoor target shooting. I assume the 9mm Flobert is the same. In those cartridges, at least, it is basically the equivalent of a CO2 pellet pistol.
  13. We went ahead and bought it. I figure the kids will want to watch it at least three times a week, so I guess it's worth it.
  14. I didn't realize only fans is a fortune 500 company.
  15. We could also service a lot of that debt if we got rid of the Boomers who got us into it.
  16. East Texas never has much problem with green stuff on the ground, but we definitely don't have near the number of deer as y’all do out further west. And getting them to survive long enough to be worth shooting can be a challenge. I'm thinking the one in the second picture may have been this guy I saw crossing the oilfield road on our place last year about 300 yards out when I was hunting with my flintlock.
  17. I'm not aware of any homeless shelters around here that don't have a religious affiliation. But I'm not in a big city, so I can't speak to how things work out there. But I would surmise that what you are asking for is already happening in many places and the homelessness problem we as a society are dealing with is a bit more complicated than that.
  18. With this whole writers strike and all, some studio should commission some recent immigrant writers (obviously this is not likely to happen, because if they emigrated based on their writing skill they are probably a member of the union) from somewhere like Vietnam or South Korea to write a love story about say a black jew from New Jersey (not sure those exist) falling in love with an old southern belle from South Carolina and how their families deal with it. But from the perspective of someone who hasn't grown up here and doesn't really "get" US culture. Basically make it about the stereotypes of how the rest of the world sees us. Kind of like we used to and still do with other minority groups here. If it was done right and in a friendly "this is how we see you" way it could be entertaining and poignant at the same time.
  19. El Dorado all the way. But I have a special attachment to the film because I used to love watching it with my grandad back in the day.
  20. Yeah, my last name is Danish, and I sometimes make jokes about how my ancestors raped and pillaged other folks ancestors, but the reality is that most of my ancestors are scots-irish with a smattering of just about every country in western Europe because most of my family has been here since before the revolution and it is just happenstance that my last name came from a late comer who got here in the 1820's. But those are jokes in poor taste (but still definitely grounded in history) and the reality is that most of the world has grown beyond that instead of embracing it.
  21. Cliffs notes? That's seems like a lot of random stuff to look up just to understand what you are saying. Just kidding. Kind of. But you just said a bunch of other stuff to look up, lol. Maybe I should have said ELINAE (explain like I'm not an egyptologist). I gather that this dude is pushing the traditional view, but new stuff has come and is coming to light that challenges the traditional view? I guess I have some reading to do if I get time to get around to it, because I do find things that challenge our traditional view of prehistory interesting.
  22. Apostolic succession had a legitimate purpose two thousand years ago. It was supposed to ensure that the leaders of new churches had received proper instruction from a chain of leaders that ultimately led back to Christ. But there have been a few things that happened in the mean time which significantly diminish its importance. The first was Constantine's conversion to Christianity. Christianity became mainstream and a state sponsored religion. This opened the door to the corruption that ultimately led to the reformation. There was good money to be made being a church leader. Next, we have the invention of the printing press. It is no secret that the rise of protestant denominations correlates with the availability of a local printing press. Church leaders could suddenly communicate directly with constituents instead of with other church leaders who would hopefully convey the same message, etc. And then we get to the reformation itself. Martin Luther had no intention of starting a new church. He merely wished to reform a corrupted church from within that instead kicked him out, spent years making war on his followers, and then ultimately decided that he was right and they needed to reform themselves. If that's not a ringing endorsement of the current legitimacy of apostolic succession I don't know what is!
  23. I mean, I grew up in Longview, but I'm probably too young to be him. Still, you should PM me some pics of those burnt orange bongos just to be safe.
  24. Meh, looking at it from a perspective of who or who doesn't pay their fair share might make you feel better personally, but it's much more practical to look at it from a holistic perspective of how it works out for society. I'm pretty libertarian philosophically, but I recognize that that isn't exactly how the world works realistically. There are plenty of examples of where social programs (roads, education, etc.) Actually make it easier for everybody to live and succeed, and those social programs are worth pursuing both because they help my fellow Americans and they help me to be able to make more money. Poor folks have enough trouble making enough money to keep food on the table for their families, and, yes, some of that is due to the fact that they make poor decisions. Doing our best to educate them goes a long way towards making society as whole more successful. From a cynical point of view, we at the very least need people capable of taking our orders correctly at whataburger and giving the correct change. Covering a bit of extra cost for that education pays dividends.
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