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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Also, the bigger your safe is and the more guns and ammo you have in it, the harder it is for them to lay it down.
  2. I've never met a farmer who wished they had built a smaller barn. Same thing goes for safes.
  3. I don't believe any of the native grasses in Texas are turf forming. They are all bunch grasses, which are not likely to meet the approval of your HOA.
  4. If I have to meet up with him for a resupply something has gone terribly wrong.
  5. If it is about funding for our roads, it should be tied to miles driven. They record your mileage when you get your inspection, they could easily add a miles based fee to your registration.
  6. Because fuck those Mexicans just trying to get by and earn a living by mowing the lawns of rich white folks who aren't willing to pay enough for them not work from daylight to daybreak.
  7. Legitimately curious here, but what exactly do you think is wrong with the general idea of "originalism?" And a follow up, what sort of strategy do you think SCOTUS should employ to interpret the Constitution that wouldn't lead to long term turmoil? It's hard to argue to you believe in civil rights if you are opposed to originalism, but at the same time there are the same problems with believing in both civil rights and originalism, as most of our founding fathers didn't exactly have an exemplary record on the issue.
  8. The Mexican nacho cheese dorritos have a bit of a Chilli flavor to them. It's kinda like if you imagine just cheese fritos versus nacho cheese fritos. Obviously the chilli cheese fritos would be superior. It's the same with Mexican nacho cheese Doritos versus American nacho cheese doritos. Hit up a few paleterias and see if they have any of the proper Mexican products, sometimes you can find them, and report back and tell me if I am wrong.
  9. No, seriously, the nacho cheese Doritos from Mexico >>>>>> nacho cheese Doritos from here. It's almost worth making a trip to the border to stop by an Oxxo and load up on them.
  10. Unless they have bags of Nacho Cheese Doritos that say "mas producto" across the front this really doesn't move the needle.
  11. Yeah, but none of those have an attached breathalyzer that also detects cocain and meth.
  12. She needs to preemptively start a rumor that he was banging some other student.
  13. When the model 3 came out, wasn't the goal to make it affordable after the subsidies? Even as far back as 2006 according to Wikipedia, he said the model 3 was planned to be affordable to most people. It really doesn't seem like their long term plans were to remain a luxury car maker, at least according to public statements. We are simply witnessing the transition. That said, Tesla is insanely over valued and Elon has publicly gone off the deep end.
  14. https://www.ketk.com/video/henderson-walmart-hail/8596114/ Baseball sized hail at the Henderson Wal-Mart falling on the outdoor section screened roof. Over 100 cars had windshields broken. Insurance adjusters are going to be busy.
  15. Pulled these out of the yard a few minutes ago...
  16. I'm of the opinionthat dropping the charges was the right thing to do in these circumstances, but after reading several articles on gun safety on movie sets, they could have easily made a pretty good case against Baldwin. From The Hollywood Reporter: From CNN: From USA Today: There are plenty of other articles out there about gun safety on film sets due to this incident, but they all stress the same basic rules that the people arguing that he should be charged are advocating for. And had Baldwin followed them this incident wouldn't have happened. He has made enough movies involving firearms in his career that he should have known what a proper set's gun safety rules should be. And furthermore, a single action army replica revolver doesn't require doing any sort of manipulations to determine if there is anything in the cylinder or not. Here's a picture of one of mine that is of the same make loaded. And here it is unloaded. You can easily see whether there is anything in the cylinder or not with just a quick glance. There is no manipulation required like there would be on a modern pistol. Given Baldwin's experience as an actor on movies where he handled firearms, he should have at least been knowledgeable about proper procedures to know that something was off based on how things should be handled on set. Ideally, he would have asked why there were "dummy" rounds in the gun that was handed to him and had the armorer remove them and shake them to confirm that they were in fact dummy rounds before continuing to practice his quick draw for the shot. Or he would have asked that they be removed for safety purposes. If he had followed the proper procedures that every armorer has said should be followed in the interviews from the articles I saw he would not have pointed the gun at the cinematographer, cocked the hammer, and pulled the trigger. I think ultimately this case is an indictment of the industry as a whole and a very tragic lesson about cutting production costs and the tragedies it can lead to if proper procedures aren't followed. It has apparently led to a greater gun safety focus in Hollywood, which is a good thing, but it truly sucks that it was at the cost of a life lost.
  17. I'm going to wait until I see the movie before judging him.
  18. Best of luck! A couple of years ago my wife and I took advantage of my company's new policy allowing for four weeks of parental leave for newborn kids up to their first birthday. The policy went into effect the January after our middle child was born, but was retroactive as long as I took the leave before he turned one. So we spent a month touring the western United States with an almost three year old and an almost one year old out of our van (that we had purchased and then subsequently outfitted with stuff like that in mind.) It still remains as one of the best experiences in my life, and I have managed to be decently well traveled in some areas of the world that most folks might read about. Knock it out of the park. This will be one of those experiences that you can tell your grandkids about and inspire them to follow in the same footsteps. Best of luck, we are all rooting for you.
  19. This might be relevant. https://www.ammoland.com/2022/04/update-of-pistol-defenses-against-bears-123-cases-98-effective/#axzz7zkA3Gago
  20. There was a solar thread in cyhmwt I believe where someone got one recently.
  21. Is there no human backup in case the automated system malfunctions?
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