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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Well, one of his favorite things to do was to drive unsuspecting folks in his amphibious car into the water while yelling that the brakes were out. I remember when we toured his a ranch as a kid they said he was particularly fond of doing it to newlyweds to see if the new husband would try to save his bride.
  2. Who has said what he did was right? It's been pointed out it may have been legal, and it's been said that the guy made a pretty dumb choice and found out.
  3. Disney should totally make that draft as an animated feature.
  4. I believe you may have been watching the porn parody, nttawwt.
  5. A head wound is going to be bloody no matter if it comes from a gun or whatever hitting implement that a homeowner has handy near their door. You can't tell immediately whether it is a gunshot wound or a wound from being smashed in the head with something. So in the situation where you hear gunshots and then someone comes up to your door covered in blood it is not going to immediately be clear whether they got shot or tried to shoot someone, failed, and instead got hit over the head with a bat or something.
  6. Theft is the only one on the list that needs to be occurring during the nighttime for it to be legal to use deadly force to prevent them from fleeing, especially when read in context with 2(A) where the punctuation makes it clear.
  7. What makes you so sure that you can immediately tell in that situation that the kid is the victim and not the perpetrator? Do you think it's impossible that someone could attempt an armed robbery and get whacked in the head before fleeing? Or do you just not think things through and cast judgement on others from behind the keyboard in your mother's basement?
  8. So the article conveniently leaves out the bit in Texas law where it is legal to use deadly force to protect property? I mean, regardless of whether or not you agree with the law, it is relevant.
  9. Underhand would lead to less fatigue, allowing you to practice longer and more consistently, imo.
  10. There's no one guarding you, so you could get pretty good at lobbing them up underhanded in a year's time if you put the time in. But I'm too lazy to put the time in.
  11. The police usually knock before they break in and murder you.
  12. Look at the first letters of each word on the right.
  13. Looks like it will be at least 48 hours before they can try again.
  14. ESG=equatorially situated 'ginas? So Asian snatch? Or am I reading this wrong?
  15. Getting to have lots of sex for a long time while trying to get pregnant is one of those things that sounds good on the surface, but trust me the last thing you want is to deal with a woman who hasn't been able to get knocked up again for a whole year. That kind of stuff really messes with a woman's head and can make her an emotional wreck.
  16. Well, he literally cleans actual shit for a living. So it couldn't have been too bad.
  17. Weren't the semi .44's they made a tube magazine? Detachable magazine would be pretty sweet for a .44 mag carbine.
  18. The movie was good, but it felt a little too rushed. I wish they would have made it a two parter.
  19. I would think that becoming an expert shot requires a lot more ammo than being a bad one, but that is just me. Also, the NRA, especially with their current leadership, can suck my balls.
  20. If we tried to raise all our meat in free range type conditions, I would think that the sheer amount of land required to be converted to meat production would have greater environmental impacts than our current system. And then when we get to the price increases, that means that foreign meat becomes much more competitive. So more rainforest cleared for cattle production and such. Raising chickens in your back yard or keeping a cow or two on small acreage when you wouldn't otherwise certainly helps, but a large scale shift in how we raise animals would be bad news. Now, we can certainly advocate for better conditions for stuff like cows in feed lots, but large scale grass finishing isn't realistic or even desirable. Eating less meat is, but I will cut you if you try and pry my brisket or steak from my hands, so I guess I'm guilty too.
  21. What are the chances those ATACMS somehow find their way to Ukraine? Also, as far as China goes, I just assumed that their society was structured somewhat like Russia with regards to corruption based on how they treat IP and junk. So some guy with a factory making plates and plate carriers could just make some off the books and ship them to Russia. Same with munitions, especially dumb ones that don't require any fancy chips or anything. Or is this not the case?
  22. Does she yell "slow down!" Anytime she looks up and sees brake lights even though you are already slowing down?
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