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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Yeah, every time I open this thread I cross my fingers and hope to find out news that the offense is underway.
  2. There was a holo of Ezra on the Ahsoka trailer.
  3. Meh, some people click on it early in the morning forgetting that it is release day and there might be folks already discussing it. Other people might want to see reactions but avoid spoilers to get themselves hyped up. It doesn't take a lot of effort to add spoiler tags to anything that might be a bit spoilery as a courtesy especially to the first group, but it's not something I would get too worked up over.
  4. Should probably spoiler that stuff this early in the morning.
  5. Whoever said that live action couldn't do Mandalorian battles justice like animation can needs to rethink things a bit.
  6. Well, knowledge of computers and file sizes apparently causes you to download unfathomable amounts of porn.
  7. Yeah, I don't really want to see videos of people dieing either, so I avoid them unless they are videos of Ukrainian drones dropping grenades on Russians.
  8. What happened to just leaving it on the porch in a flaming paper bag? Do people have no decency anymore?
  9. Y'all've never seen one of those retractable leashes that lets your dog wander 20 or 30 feet from you? Some folks will let their pet go as far as it wants to poop.
  10. That's aggravated robbery. Sec. 29.02. ROBBERY. (a) A person commits an offense if, in the course of committing theft as defined in Chapter 31 and with intent to obtain or maintain control of the property, he: (1) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; or (2) intentionally or knowingly threatens or places another in fear of imminent bodily injury or death. (b) An offense under this section is a felony of the second degree. But it still looks like it's not robbery.
  11. All of this could have been avoided had the kid had the presence of mind to yell "I'm a Nigerian prince and I need your help!" While knocking on the door.
  12. How do you feel about people who didn't get vaccinated and then died from Covid?
  13. Intent is a defense to the prosecution if this situation were one where the guy called the cops on them and had them arrested, but you are still legally trespassing from the perspective of the homeowner, and in Texas at least, it is a defense to the prosecution for the homeowner if you are trespassing at night and they shoot you.
  14. You need to look up what constitutes notice that the entry is forbidden. A sign, a fence, the presence of crops, and purple paint all constitute notice in Texas. So if any of those are present it is trespassing.
  15. Driving up a long driveway in the middle of the night out in the sticks is most likely to be criminal trespass (at least in Texas, not sure what the laws are like there), which is where things get sort of hairy.
  16. For now you are. When Elon Musk accidentally creates Skynet who do you think are the first people it will kill off? Or maybe not, given how racist AI tends to get these days.
  17. Yeah, it's not the capable people we have to worry about creating skynet. It's the one's who think they are capable.
  18. Not that it justifies what happened in any way, but I'm curious just how rural this was, how long the driveway was, and how far they pulled up it. There are enough crazy folks out there that I'm not pulling up some random person in the sticks' driveway unless I know for sure where I am. Pulling in to turn around? Maybe, but on a county road I prefer to find a pasture with a gated entrance to pull in to turn around versus a residence. There be crazy people out there and I don't need any extra holes in my body or vehicle.
  19. Well, one of his favorite things to do was to drive unsuspecting folks in his amphibious car into the water while yelling that the brakes were out. I remember when we toured his a ranch as a kid they said he was particularly fond of doing it to newlyweds to see if the new husband would try to save his bride.
  20. Who has said what he did was right? It's been pointed out it may have been legal, and it's been said that the guy made a pretty dumb choice and found out.
  21. Disney should totally make that draft as an animated feature.
  22. I believe you may have been watching the porn parody, nttawwt.
  23. A head wound is going to be bloody no matter if it comes from a gun or whatever hitting implement that a homeowner has handy near their door. You can't tell immediately whether it is a gunshot wound or a wound from being smashed in the head with something. So in the situation where you hear gunshots and then someone comes up to your door covered in blood it is not going to immediately be clear whether they got shot or tried to shoot someone, failed, and instead got hit over the head with a bat or something.
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