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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. This thread is the first I've heard about any of this, but I hope it continues to spread for the right reasons and that the inevitable grifters and Christian nationalists and anybody else who would seek to take advantage of this and twist it to fit their own agenda get flooded out by a wave of genuine people who actually want to live their lives as Christ intended. One of these days we need to wake up to the fact that Jesus only intended for there to be one Church, and while we might quibble on some of the finer points about what happens to the bread when we take communion, when the proper time to baptise someone is, what is the proper balance of grace vs works, whether you can ask a dead person to intercede on your behalf, etc...they all revolve around the same thing that almost every mainstream congregation says they agree on. Accept redemption and love your neighbor as yourself.
  2. Maybe China wants to keep Russia in the fight long enough for someone to issue the death blow? The more broken Russia is at the end of all this the better it is for China.
  3. He's going to spend the rest of the season in Sicily trying to get out of that restaurant and then all of the sudden he will be in Montana.
  4. It's a nice view. Not in those pants it ain't.
  5. But banana stands, well there's always money in the banana stand.
  6. I'm a Levi's 517 or 527 kind of guy. 514 if I'm not wearing boots, but half the time I just cuff my boot cut jeans so they don't drag the ground if I'm wearing my boat shoes or driving shoes. I could care less if they aren't up to the latest fashions. I guess I'm just getting old. My biggest problem is that I have a narrow waist, and the if you go below 32 in Levi's they assume you have some turkey legs. So I don't wash them unless they get visibly dirty because they shrink back up.
  7. It looks like there are more than a few tools there versus points. The ones with scalloped edges were probably used as cutting tools, most likely un-hafted by the looks of them. I'd guess they were used for cutting through meat and stuff. If you are trying to make jerky or some sort of dried meat, you need something that you can use to slice it thinly, and preferably across the grain. As sharp as knapped tools can be, the edge just isn't smooth enough to slice stuff like that like a modern knife can. The really long skinny ones were probably used as awls for punching holes in leather and stuff so that they could stitch things together. It looks like there are also more than a few tools that were likely used to scrape the flesh off of hides during the process of brain tanning them. All in all, it's a pretty cool spectrum of points and tools that would have been needed to do basic things before the introduction of iron and steel tools by Europeans.
  8. It's almost like a decade of artificially boosted markets got us even more addicted to consume consume consume with no rational basis.
  9. I see Ukrainian rednecks are just as classy as American rednecks.
  10. He was already pretty sunburned by the time the sharks arrived. They should have thrown in a line where he said he wasn't going to leave her alone up there after she fell in the first time or something like that.
  11. That's a bit of goods being sold to justify their insane price. Hand welted shoes or boots can be resoled many times without having to pull the vamp down because they welt can only be stitched on by hand, and there is no reason not to go through the original holes when hand stitching a new welt on. Now, many cobblers will machine stitch a new sole on through the existing welt, but if the welt eventually needs to be replaced it must be hand stitched back through the original holes. So there is no need to pull the vamp down. Goodyear welted shoes or boots are a different matter, but these are not Goodyear welted.
  12. So I guess we can mark down Valentine's Day, a holiday that is supposed to represent love, as the day that Brisket was fully radicalized? Or was it earlier? Change out a few words and he would crowd sourced pretty swiftly. It's pretty depressing seeing that kind of language coming from someone who has themselves been exposed to similar hatred as a mixed minority at a time when we are dealing with an increased level of hatred towards people like him. I hope his general predilection in this area doesn't catch on as my own children might be dealing with the same sort of stuff he dealt with growing up. Counterpoint: Longview was the origin of the Big Inch pipeline that played a big role in winning WWII. Just because it isn't big doesn't mean it isn't very important.
  13. There are lots of convicted felons who were convicted of non violent crimes who should have all there rights restored once they've done their time. Just my opinion.
  14. If nitpicking is what you've come here for, a couple points. 1. He has plenty of time and wherewithal to swim inside the boat to retrieve his rifle, but doesn't bother to grab some blankets and stuff to make a shelter from the sun? 2. Homegirl has presumably spent weeks traveling through the African bush with him, but lack of plumbing gives her pause?
  15. Offering incentives for folks to have more kids is just kicking the can down the road. Same with immigration, and I'm all for immigration. The reality is that a certain generation has structured our economy in such a way that there is no other option but pain. They would rather the younger generations feel the pain, so that is what is going to happen. So thanks, I guess.
  16. Lizard and ostrich are both nice. Lizard are a bit dressier, but ostrich is more durable. Can't go wrong with either unless you are planning to use them to do actual work.
  17. We have some springs on our property that feed into a creek named "Indian Creek," but I've never found anything there. It's all East Texas sandy creek beds that are deep enough that the drilling company had to put in eight foot culverts to keep it from washing out, but I'm not sure I've even found a rock in there that wasn't washed off from the road. I guess maybe I need to make a screen and try shoveling.
  18. I blame Bluey. E'rbody wants to be like Bandit and Chilli.
  19. I haven't really looked into the history of logger boots, but I would tend to gravitate to the common ancestor theory. High heels in men's footwear was common as far back as men have been fighting wars on horseback with stirrups. They were a thing during the reign of King Louis IXV . The arch support is a necessary component of such construction.
  20. I don't have any sources to pull out of my hat, but before the ACA a lot of churches provided childcare. After the ACA a whole bunch of them shut down their childcare businesses. I asked about it at the time and was told that there were new requirements which made it impossible for them to run a non-profit childcare business. So we lost a bunch of those, and of course supply and demand reared it's ugly hand and now childcare costs so much that it really doesn't make sense for a mother of two or three or more kids to work just to cover child care costs. Now, I could be wrong on the causes and the ACA and all that, as that all happened before I had kids, but the fact still stands that the cost of child care is so high that it discourages families from having two working parents.
  21. They were probably banking on Europe not being able to come up with supplies of natty gas on their own and hoping to use that as leverage.
  22. And in a move that is in no way a surprise to anyone, Brisket once again demonstrates that he has exceptionally high self esteem.
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