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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Twelve months ago the consensus was that it would take five years to wean Europe off of Russian natty gas. I'm not saying we can flip a switch, but when the incentives are right things can move along much quicker than we think.
  2. Pretty decent summary, Twice. I would add that one of the speculative reasons for square toed footwear back in the day is that it was easier to make on a straight last and fit decently on either foot. Most footwear even for wealthier folks was made on a straight last up until the mid nineteenth century or so.
  3. I believe there was a Twitter thread posted last week or so that was showing the Russian tanks had been retrofitted to use older optics from the previous generation of tanks.
  4. I think the worst is she divorces you and takes half of them. Or you are forced to sell them during the settlement.
  5. Did he state that in the movies, or just the books? Because if it was just in the books I'd imagine they are following movie cannon and anything not in the movies is fair game to mess around with.
  6. You clearly aren't familiar with 1883.
  7. When we bought our house a few years ago, I asked about the guns and of course had to give an estimate of the total value. Life pro tip for all of you single fellows, have that conversation without your wife present if at all possible. At the very best it's an invitation for her to spend a bunch of money on clothes or shoes that she won't wear after one season. Some of my most "valuable" guns are old beat up family guns that can't be replaced (you should see the muzzle crown on my grandad's pre 64 .30-30 that he always stuck muzzle down in the floorboard of his truck), but I'd like to be able to replace them with the same model and caliber if anything happened to them.
  8. How awesome would it be if we recovered the payload and it was nothing but bottles full of Coke with the seal already broken?
  9. Yeah, that would be the Amazon credit card they already try and push.
  10. Well, I mean, the cat would probably torture you for fun if it could. Also, isn't gang rape a form of torturing a pussy?
  11. Ok, so it looks like if you have an AR rifle and a braced pistol that is now an SBR, you can simply remove the brace without destroying it because it is a part that can be installed on your rifle. However, if the braced "pistol" is the only firearm that it could potentially be installed on, then you probably have to get rid of it. Obviously, this is only true if the new rule survives. The likelihood of it being enforced is not high for the common person, however, we always need test cases.
  12. Braced pistols aren't illegal, just ones configured to be fired from the shoulder, so you might be ok. They weren't exactly clear. Of course, if it was always an SBR and not a pistol, then you can't legally convert it to a pistol by removing the brace, despite that being one of the remedies the ATF lists.
  13. FYI, the brace rule was published in the Federal Register today. You have 120 days to take care of business barring any sort of legal challenges or anything that makes it go away.
  14. Ain't nothing sports utility about 6.8 inches of ground clearance.
  15. Those empty tubs are a pain? If you've got any decent farmer/rancher gene in you they are a blessing from above. They are useful for all sorts of things.
  16. A few weeks ago I was hiking up a "mountain" in central Mexico to get to a cave halfway up it. There was no trail, so we were blazing our own path through the scrub. I happened to look down at just the right spot and spotted a shard of obsidian. There is no local obsidian in that area, so somebody must have traded for jmit back in the day
  17. You can make a coffee substitute with the roots.
  18. From the r/guns thread: https://i.imgur.io/uPNxVps_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
  19. 1944 was almost 80 years ago. It's more like showing up to WWII with a Springfield Model 1861.
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