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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. I'm a big advocate of shooting with whichever side your dominant eye is on. I'm admittedly biased, being a lefty staring at the plethora of guns that can only be reasonably found in right hand models, but there is a good bit of history to overcome as well. We've all heard stories about nuns slapping left hands away with rulers, but that really doesn't come in to play as much with firearms. It's the firing in formation with black powder bit that really mandated almost all firearms be right handed. And here we are two hundred years later in a supposedly much more progressive society, but it is still hard to find a gun built for a lefty.
  2. I haven't seen all the videos, but if there was a lot of smoke, it was probably a homemade blackpowder firearm. The pics don't really look like a slamfire type gun, and you would need commercial ammunition for something like that anyhow. My bet is it was just two pieces of pipe with some sort of electronic ignition source to make things easy. Black powder isn't too complicated to make, but it does take a bit of knowledge. Making good black powder is a bit tougher (part of the reason the classic American longrifles had such long barrels, they couldn't make very good black powder in the colonies at the time), but at close range it doesn't matter all that much.
  3. If you mark the line, but don't cut down to it you can use files and then sanding blocks to get down to it and make it look nice. The harder part at that point is fitting a recoil pad on it and making it look nice. The actual cutting of the stock should be easy. Just go slow, make sure to keep everything square, and take care not to round off any of the corners.
  4. Won't you blow high immediately after consuming a drink, especially liquor? He was obviously blasted, but I would suspect his actual BAC wasn't quite that high.
  5. Based on what I've seen, I'd say there is a more than 90% chance he lied on his 4473, which means he didn't purchase it legally. But, of course, even if your background check gets rejected because you are a prohibited person, you have a less than 0.1% chance of even being investigated by the ATF, so...
  6. I saw something about it on reddit a few years before the Watchmen came out and read into it then. I was blown away that something that momentous was basically just ignored in school. Not that i disagree, but I think it is called that by some in part because there were race riots all over the country around that time. Most of them were more properly described as riots, however, as there weren't very many deaths.
  7. Yeah, I was blown away when I read about the Tulsa race riots a few years ago as an adult. How was this not taught in grade school history? I mean, I guess I know the why, but the how it was going to just fade into oblivion part is crazy. If it wasn't for HBO, it would still be less known than it was.
  8. Let's also hope that they cover the despicable history of the Choctaw nations connections with slavery as well. It took over a year after Juneteenth for them to free their slaves, and many of the descendents today are still struggling to be be recognized as members.
  9. Crazy. We crossed in Laredo yesterday evening about 8 and headed up 35 through SA right next to where this happened.
  10. If you want the size, but not the price, take a look at a full size van. We have a NV3500 that is a beast, can basically fit a queen size bed in the back with two back rows taken out, etc. It's nice to not ever have to worry about folding a stroller up or having enough room for sports gear and groceries and all that junk you end up hauling around as parents.
  11. An electric old school Ford ranger sized pickup would be just fine with me if I didn't have a wife and three kids that occasionally need to fit in it. I just need something that can haul whatever lumber and whatnot I need for whatever project I have going on, a few bags of deer corn and a feeder, etc. Our land is only like half an hour from the house, so a 200 mile range wouldn't hurt me there. I completely understand the need for a diesel pickup that can haul your house from park to park, but a basic roundabout pickup for small stuff and to go back and forth to work would be awesome.
  12. Nobody ever complains about parking a Death Star in orbit Jack's with the tides and screws up the fishing either. Or how it's called a Death Star, but has more in common with a moon than a star.
  13. Running old school forces us to be better at doing math in our heads. Prove me wrong.
  14. I had the same thought, but apparently that is a misconception.
  15. Just allowing doe harvest all season would do wonders. For the vast majority of areas in the state, there is no valid scientific reason not to. I've never heard of someone getting on the MLD program and being told they need to shoot fewer does.
  16. It's crazy to me that there are still counties in Texas with such limited doe days. We get sixteen at the beginning of the season, plus muzzleloader season, and that still isn't enough.
  17. That's usually the recommendation for backpacking. You don't need nearly as much if you aren't hiking and sweating and stuff. Also not needed if you have a filter and source of water to filter.
  18. So, instead of doing the environmentally friendly thing and not building or expanding massive cities where there is no water, we are discussing massively expensive public works projects so that everybody else can pay for a bunch of folks to live in the desert?
  19. Given the nature of how the original trilogy was edited and came about, I'm curious about what Lucas's explanation for the Clone Wars was at the time. Is there any commentary from back when he made ANH about that?
  20. I still sometimes say tell people that they seem like the type of person who names their swords.
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