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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. It is also a fact that one political party has had chances to pass gun control measures, but instead chooses to push unworkable solutions that they know don't have a chance. I wonder why they would refuse to find workable compromises that still accomplish their goals on a wedge issue that they campaign on?
  2. Most independent baptists don't associate with the SBC or any of the other major Baptist conventions because they think they are too liberal.
  3. She still has potential in a career as an alternative movie actress.
  4. Yeah, agriculture is cyclic. You gotta learn to be a cheap mofo in order to remain solvent in the hard times, especially if you have a small spread. That's why your grandfather seemingly had so much junk around. If it still works, keep using it. If it doesn't work, fix it. If you can't fix it, buy used If the numbers for new don't make sense.
  5. I watched the latest two back to back tonight. It works better this way, but it also helps that the latest two episodes were better.
  6. I grew up Baptist, but I never saw this culture of once you are saved you are always saved and can do whatever you want. Yes, they said once saved always saved, but there was always the caveat that someone who behaved like that must have never been truly saved in the first place. It's basically a cop out in order to maintain the tradition of misinterpreting a single verse out of context and then building a greater theology around it. If there were stories about people doing stuff like that and then sitting in the pew Sunday mornings to ask for forgiveness, they were always aimed at Catholics. I guess spending a few hundred years killing each other because switching sides gave your lord justification to attack his neighbor bred a but of enmity between them.
  7. Until this recent madness you could find land in East Texas for under $3000 an acre, and you can carry a lot more head in East Texas than you can farther west. Combine that with a good F2 terminal cross program and smart management and I bet you could make the numbers work, or at least make the land pay for itself and build equity. But prices seem to have more than doubled here lately.
  8. Are you saying that people should be able to have whatever they want as long as it is on private property? Because that is how vehicles work.
  9. Been there. Telling her not to cry over spilt milk is not helpful.
  10. I still never got it, or at least enough to pop positive on a test. The whole rest of my family and wife's family got it, but I never tested positive despite having a low grade fever and sore muscles for a day or two. It knocked my wife out for a week and a half, and I didn't do anything to try to avoid it, so I was definitely exposed.
  11. I did option two a few years ago. Bent the first C clamp. Wised up and used a torch when I started cranking down with the second C clamp and it popped right out.
  12. I feel like they kinda missed the opportunity to toss some horsemanship in there, given they are Comanche and all. But, yeah, in.
  13. $300 for a hat that doesn't have any beaver? I can get a custom hat made out of much higher quality felt for that price.
  14. I'm just saying I don't want to watch Bing Bong die again. The movie's great, just a bit traumatic.
  15. I feel like somebody should mention Inside Out here, but nobody in their right mind would watch that more than once.
  16. I think there is a physiological block for a lot of people that grew up poor that prevents them from making sound financial decisions. They think they have made it, and doing anything to show otherwise is like admitting defeat. Never-ending that it might put them right back in the place they came from...
  17. I think we will see something like special lanes for self driving cars. Eventually the number of self driving lanes will start to increase and the number of regular lanes will decrease.
  18. 350 legend would actually be a decent deer and pig cartridge, IMO. The ammo availability almost makes me want to build one.
  19. The FDA has got this covered. They'll just keep the formula factory closed down for no reason to compensate.
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