Had a match the other night where I wound up inadvertently riding the storm after I got caught not paying attention (as per usual). Running through the storm to safety, I see a purple glow in one of the ruin houses. I'm close enough to the storm wall that the time spent to divert is worth seeing what's in there. In and out quick-like. Purple Scar. I'm hauling ass out of the storm, and right where I'm about to come out is a grove of trees. Good cover to bandage up. I come out of the storm, and there's a dude taking cover behind that tree, engaged with another guy across the field.
Purple Scar straight to the dome. Booty acquired.
I use his sniper to take a couple shots at the guy he was engaging, and then when that guy charges me I go full potato, forget to switch back to the Scar, and am swiftly executed with sniper rifle still in hand.