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Lazarus Bocanegra

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Everything posted by Lazarus Bocanegra

  1. this is a good one also check out Generasian Radio https://www.youtube.com/@GenerasianRadio
  2. Avett Brothers last night at Smart Financial Center in Sugar Land. First time to that venue and I was impressed. Tickets were center stage in the very back row and the sound was fantastic. One of the best TAB shows we've seen. Going to NYC to see Swept Away next month...
  3. I think I got most of that through teh aids. I was planning on buying the vanguard-specific rings from Talley. Are you saying don't do that?
  4. Swaro z3 3-10 x 42. It's going on a WB vanguard .308. Carters Country has the Leupold VX3 3-10.5 for $399 until 11/2, so I have been waffling back and forth between that, trijicon huron/credo/accupoint, and the swaro. They had Zeiss V4 for $650 recently but that sale expired last week. Kind of stuck in analysis paralysis as to eye relief, bolt handle clearance on the eyepiece, ring height right now. I figure the swaro is right about 1:1 on the rifle/optic ratio, so might as well. This will primarily be a whitetail and hog rifle with shots within 200 yards, so I want something simple and don't need to mess with dialing on this rig.
  5. I think I've seen it mentioned upthread, but who do we like for gunsmithery in Houston? I'm thinking about getting a little spendy on an optic for new deer rifle and if so, would be looking to get it professionally mounted. I've done my other scopes myself with a plastic level and flashlight-though-objective technique, but I want this one done proper like.
  6. I've got a sightmark wraith that was around $400 I think? I've taken it out a few times and it is good out to about 100 yds with the stock IR illuminator. It would be better with an upgraded illuminator like the coyote cannon or similar. I didn't want to make the full thermal investment for as little as I am able to get out at night, and so far it's served its purpose. It's a bit of a pain to have to deal with the separate illuminator, and follow up shots are impossible as the smoke from the shot reflects the IR and washes out the picture. With a little more in the budget, I'd go thermal, especially as the prices continue to come down
  7. best option is fly into LGA, uber to White Bear in Flushing for ~$15, crush two orders of Szechuan wontons, LIRR to Penn $11
  8. a lot of these shows can be found on the sub channels for OTA HD broadcasts. Was just enjoying some Fall Guy on 2-2 in Houston the other day. You'll need rabbit ears...and a TV guide
  9. curious to know your thoughts on Dan Wesson
  10. An Innocent Man would like a word
  11. A&P Pawn on Westheimer in Houston is your place for vintage Marantz
  12. I'd like to thank whoever it was that recently celebrated the Ruger Mark IV because that was the final push needed to acquire a Mark IV Target and top it with a Holosun 507c. Initial range reports are highly encouraging, and the RDS appears to be just what my left-eye dominance needed. Looking forward to ringing steel this weekend
  13. Now that it's streaming on HBO, I watched last week. Agree with what others have said that Costner's trying to do too much and it probably would have been better structured as a series. That said, solid effort. Nowhere near as bad as some have said. Some beautiful cinematography. Overall, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to Chapter 2.
  14. It's like this city never runs out of stupid ideas Co-signed. except on the rare occasion when the termites swarm, but then you just move inside.
  15. legend has it Hackman's character in the conversation is the younger version of his character in Enemy of the State
  16. lest we forget that much of what made Costner movies good was Kevin Reynolds. Will likely check this one out soon as the price is getting closer to right
  17. have gun will travel
  18. not the one with the blue-haired pixie former crawfish festival queen with an aversion to brassieres. She was a bit much
  19. John Cusack v. Benny the Jet
  20. yes had to take advantage of 71 degree days to dig a 100' trench to carry away the foot of standing water in the backyard
  21. This movie eluded me until yesterday. Recently listened to the Herzog episode of WTF Pod and sought it out. Worth the investment of time. If you haven't seen it, go in cold, then read about it after. Mind-boggling filmmaking
  22. El Califa de Leon. Named in honor of the great bullfighter, who was the grandfather of a good friend from college. Not to be confused with Califa tacos, which is the hipster CDMX torchy's analogue but slams
  23. SSG recently opened Elro iirc I believe Maximo is one of Benjy's now after they acquired El Topo
  24. froggy's or whatever the hell its called has one of the best CFS I've ever had this side of the school cafeteria
  25. On a similar note, Western Addition, which owns Il Bracco and Balboa on Post Oak, was started by a group of former Hillstone's group people. A buddy I went to high school with is part of the team. We went to the soft opening for Balboa and enjoyed it. Il Bracco has become a regular spot for us.
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