Got down to Whitsett the weekend before Thanksgiving. I was able to bring one of my best friends who is currently fighting stage 4 colon cancer and his treatment schedule finally aligned. I've spent a ton of time at his family's place in East Texas but he hasn't been to our ranch since we got it in 2021. If the theme of the weekend was to do as much South Texas stuff as possible in the event he never gets back, we 100% checked that box. He's not too mobile in the mornings, so I sat Saturday AM by myself, saw a big 8 point and some smaller 8s. There is a freakshow (8pt) I've seen on cameras that is on my target list this year, but I have a ton of meat in the freezer and I told Mrs. Laz I likely won't soot a deer this year. Well, freakshow showed up and I let him walk. Hard to describe him - his left antler is a typical 4 point, but his right is like two long points kind of twisted together. I don't really care about trophies, but I'm a sucker for weirdos. To be determined.
Saturday to the feed store, then we took a detour to Choke Canyon SP where we took a short hike along the shoreline, jumped a 6' gator, and then--owing to a misguided shortcut attempt--wound up low crawling through pig tunnels in the brush with me using bare hands to open the way so he wouldn't snag his chemo port. Lunch at Max's, yardwork, then an evening sit. Not too much in the way of deer coming to the feeders. It's pretty green and I watched a small buck browsing on granjeno for a good bit of time that morning. Towards sunset, a group of Javelina showed up and we watched them for a while until sunset.
Sunday morning, I went back out and the deer were similarly sparse and unremarkable. In the almost three years we've owned the place, I've only seen pigs in daylight once. I was on foot and rushed the shot, and they escaped unharmed. I'd put a 0800 hard stop in order to clean up and break camp before noon. Well, lo and behold, about 0750 a sounder of 6 pigs shows up at one of the feeders. I lined up on a good eating black pig and took the shot. Didn't see it drop, but a brown one went down kicking. When the dust settled, I approached and found that the black one dropped like a rock DRT, and the 168gr .308 brained the brown one too. I processed one, left the other for the coyotes. Cooked up the backstrap and Mrs. Laz, despite her initial misgivings, cleaned her plate.