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Lazarus Bocanegra

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Everything posted by Lazarus Bocanegra

  1. Madonna Louise Ciccone? probably et some but idk
  2. I celebrate David Simon's entire catalogue. We just finished a rewatch of treme after many visits to New Orleans since the first, the most recent being in March for Saint Joseph's to go see the indians. MIGHTY COOTIE FI-YO!
  3. Watched this last night and thought it was outstanding. I'd never heard of it before. Lost in the miasma of mid-80's war correspondent films
  4. here's one to follow that. I just finished it and it is terrific
  5. visually appealing, bereft of any compelling narrative. 6/10 I've been a fan since the Bookstop robbery, but this was underwhelming.
  6. watching that movie as a kid, yes. Watching that movie as an adult, Bender is a shitass
  7. This is the way. I've had colonoscopies every two years since I was 16. Don't be a puss puss on the drink. Just put it down. Depends on what your doc gives you - sometimes it's the big jug of salty awfulness, sometimes its the wee bottle of sickly sweet. These days they give you propofol, which is the stuff Michael Jackson was talking to go to sleep at night. You will be lights out and then farting in the recovery room before you know what hit you. Back in the versed days, a man possessed of a certain resolve could steel himself to remain conscious during the procedure, for science. Propofol laughs at man's steely resolve. But seriously, the big fart after the colonoscopy is one of the greatest pleasures in life. it's my biennial cheesesteak
  8. I did not want to denigrate Penelope Witherspoon's e-peen by inferring the greatness was yet unknown
  9. another not new, but I am consistently impressed with every meal I've had at Mastranto's. Just found out they bought Weights and Measures to make a brunch restaurant. Will be interesting to see what they do there.
  10. fify
  11. Casa Paco for stek El Corte Ingles to buy Fluchos Museo de las Americas (off the prime museo circuit but well worth it for the plunder and miscegenation) Mercado San Miguel smoke ducados, eat gelatos, no compra madera guilty afternoon snack pleasure p'pizza cones by the puerta del sol
  12. have recently discovered Sushi Pop in Spring Branch next door the Kroger at Wirt & Westview. Not fancy, clean shop, and good fish. Tues and Wed they do buy one roll, get 1/2 off a second. Mondays, they do free sushi, where they give you a gift card equivalent to what you spend on food. Enjoy that while it lasts.
  13. I'll let semi-Austin music legend Mike Nicolai tell it true
  14. recently listened to the Wire at 20 podcast in conjunction with my umpteenth rewatch. I would like to hang with Cool Lester Smooth drinking wine and listening to jazz and having deep philosophical conversations about life and universe
  15. Noted Ted had on his ruby slippers
  16. We’ve been very satisfied with our Texas Wildlife Supply blinds. Only thing I would do differently would be full length shelves
  17. We have been dealing with the process of moving my in-laws to a retirement community the last several months with the attendant logistics of 70-100 years worth of stuff. Abe's monologue hit close to home.
  18. that was some quality TV. I think Kerry won the episode
  19. I wasted two hours of my life last night on the strength of you assholes' recommendation. Neg rep has been appropriately administered. How that movie has an 86 on rotten tomatoes is beyond me. besos y abrazos
  20. It's not new but the algorithm turned me onto Northern Pasta in Chinatown last week and the chili oil noodles were delicious /nopics
  21. Street to Kitchen thai in the East End is finominle Had a business dinner at Bludorn a few weeks ago that was a bit hit with the out of towners
  22. Just finished S3 on the latest rewatch. A couple of new revelations the end of S3 is just so good. Had they gotten cancelled, it would have been a somewhat decent end to it all. I was just sitting there, needing a moment to decompress, before carrying on with S4. I probably started three or four mindless shows and immediately stopped them. Just couldn't do it, so I forged ahead. And then immediately get Snoop in the hardware store in the cold open to S4. Absolute brilliance.
  23. Damn. Count me among the admirers of his writing who did not know the MAC/Sweetjones connection until now. RIP We should do the walk in his honor
  24. Had new neighbors build next door and moved in about 6 months ago. In all of the permutations of dumbassedry I contemplated, 7 outdoor cats never even entered the equation. All up in my business, trampling flowers, shitting in the yard. On a related note, does anyone know how to attract coyotes?
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