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Everything posted by oldhorn2

  1. ya know.....I am the biggest sunshine pumper on here....but I suggest you slow your roll about experienced and functional until we see how Baxter responds during fall camp. I hope...hope...hope he can return to form right away, but that was a damned serious injury. Seriously, I hope you are right.
  2. Arizona has the same NIL money pool as Texas?
  3. so.....the only thing we can find as a knock on Manning is that he might score to quickly? ....oh!
  4. that was his 35 yd time....
  5. My God!...we are discussing Manning and his ungodly potential.....and then saying....well....he isnt as good as Vince!....Like who is?...I will take "almost as good as Vince" any day. "we couldn't stop the quarterback"...Pete Carrol ( after game interview) "we couldnt stop the quarterback"....Matt Leinart(after game interview) and as for the thought Vince's throwing motion was shit....he could sure throw the damned ball a hell of a long way with AMAZING accuracy.....time after time after time.....
  6. I thought it was the mission of Surly to shame anything/anyone
  7. Look. I am an old guy. I never saw Layne at college, but did see him in the pros.. He was one of the best in the pros. The team Street came to at Texas had gone 6-4, 6-4,6-4 in '65. '66, '67.... In '68 under Bradley we started the season with a loss and a tie...against power houses TT and U of H.... Street replaced Bradley and never lost a game. That deserves respect. Now....let's talk about Colt. He was fabulous.....and let's never forget that he got us in a Title game and was on his way to curb stomping one of the greatest teams of all time when a bounty hunter takes him out. Had he been able to finish that game, the debate would be between him and Vince as the best ever...
  8. Among the dumbest comments ever. Fact is that Bill Bradley completely failed to be able to run that offense. If you don't know who that was you are beyond hope( hint...he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated before he played a down in college) Plus.....that extremely talented team you refer to had gone 6-4 three years in a row prior to Street....
  9. When we get to the point of arguing about how bad the wins were or how good the losses were it develops into an aggyesquetype discussion that could only be on Surly. Please...carry on.....
  10. not to add fuel to the fire, but what about this dumb assed little bit....:Oregon Ducks 'Recognized' as National Champions Despite Ohio State’s Victory Over Notre Dame
  11. didnt Niblett go to the portal?
  12. oldhorn2

    Texas GPA

    I saw where Dion said Shimere and the all world guy never went to one class at Colorado...
  13. wait a minute....Baxter tore up his knee in fall camp and they just now operated on it? Why wait so long? I was hoping he was already walking normally by now....rats....
  14. As far as Blue goes.... I haven't seen an NFL game in 20 years, but I seem to remember that the RB was required on occasion to block. I don't remember that as a strong point of Blue's game....
  15. I am sitting in Roatan....what do you think?
  16. ....and I got to watch it James Street drops a dime to peschel 4th and 4 for it all... Vince heros it out... Ewers 4th and 13 I'm OT It has been quite a ride
  17. What a bunch of dickheads....that game has been over for 5 days and those fucks are still trying to find a way for ASU to win it....
  18. You mean the one where ASU got away with targeting? Helmet to help.et...kmocked Bonds helmet off?....that one,?... The refs fucked us regular. Good thing we are used to it....pardon my typing...hard to work the keyboard with all the hand wringing going on. This ain't the '85 Bears we are playing.... I am going James Brown here and saying we win by 14....fuck em....
  19. bullshit.....we have been told for decades that if the wins were not in the secsecsec they didnt count!
  20. Piss and moan all you want.....Bill Parcels said two things...... 1. You are what your record says you are......and ours is as good as any of the other 4 still in it. 2. A win is ugly for exactly one day.....nuff said....
  21. seriously, the only reason Herman was even on our radar was because UH had the foresight to give a volleyball scholarship to Ed Olivers sister. Because of that , Ed went to UH and because of that UH started winning lots of games.....sort of like the ....but for a nail the shoe was lost, but for the shoe the horse was lost, but for the horse the rider was lost, but for the rider the battle was lost......ad nauseum.. One goddam womens volleyball scholarship caused us to wind up with Herman....
  22. Page 6 of the aggy corps manual...... In order to polish a turd you must learn to pick it up by the clean end.... sounded authoritative to me....
  23. juvenile?.....How about you pull my finger and then go fuck yourself?
  24. Oh yeah? What about aggy?
  25. Jeeze!!! We are playing in our house against an opponent that has lost to the only 3 good teams they faced...and some folks are still worried
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