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Everything posted by oldhorn2

  1. My God!.....if we are worried that what we have coming in will not be as good as Ovie and Overshown then we are doomed to at best a 8 win cap for this team. We are not talking Nobis and Mc Michaels here we are talking guys that were adequate but never stellar. Oh Jesus! We are so fucked if what we have coming in is not miles ahead of those guys....
  2. Pretty impressive discussion. Herman has been gone for 3 years and we still want to fire him...
  3. I am glad to know that OB finally has a credible source.....
  4. I will not debate that the 2008 &09 teams did not have great running backs....but with all respect....to think that Worthy could even hold Shipley's jock is just pure lack of football knowledge.....Perhaps in the future Worthy will show up and show out, but as DKR would say about potential....he aint done it yet...
  5. are you crazy?....everyone knows you cant put idiots out of business....
  6. I dunno about this one. What stood out to me was that every damned line said how hard we were working.....well except that it was pointed out that we would miss Brockermeyer????
  7. I would think there is a chance....however small it may be that some of the team might actually be able to play a bit faster just due to better understanding of the system alone. Never mind that they might even improve due to work and effort. If we have any luck at all on the injury front we have a chance to be greatly improved.' I suggest some of y'all start buying the large size tampons to help stop that damned vagina squeek.
  8. I concede that you know much more about this game than I ever will, but with all respect....We did not have Bijan...or Rojo...or agent O and several others along the D line. I agree that we could have won the Washington game, but I also know we did not get to "Dance with the ones that brung us". As for Brooks.....he had hernia issues. We were going with our 4th string RB....
  9. If worms carried pistols birds wouldn't fuck with 'em
  10. Abe Lemon's said......you play all season to see who wins and then play the conference tourney to see who loses.....
  11. good to see you over here Goathumper....at least you could get your avatar to work... oh....and fuck aggy
  12. Aggy booster is sorta like....no, exactly like a blackmail victim that has to keep paying more and more with no end in sight. They are gonna have to pony up for Big NIL money to try and rebuild the team.... And they still have Jimbo. All the while thinking they should have thought the whole thing through.
  13. In the 60's and maybe the 70's if you won 11games you were national champ....just saying...
  14. Why in hell is this called the Dick Butkus award anyway?.. It it was truely for the best of the best it should be the Tommy Nobis award. By any way to measure. Nobis was a far superior Line backer than Butkus. I agree that Butkus was special, but he was not even in Nobis' class. Butkus did so well that he had 374 tackles at Illinois and was a second round draft pick.....so what? Nobis was the number one draft choice in 1966. That is unheard of for a line backer. I can not find a number of tackles for Nobis, but I have seen where he averaged over 20 tackles a game for his college career. That ought to put him around 600 tackles. Nobis was rookie of the year in the NFL and had 294 combined tackles his rookie year.Nobis had to toil away for the Falcons(that happens to Number )ne draft choices) and that obscurity kept him from press and recognition. I say change the award name!
  15. uh oh....aggy gaining national attention finally.......sort of...: College Football World Wants Prominent Coach Fired Today (msn.com) and again..: Texas A&M football’s collapse from preseason No. 6 ranking a stain on Jimbo Fisher’s resume (msn.com)
  16. Shouldnt that be ....Advantage aggy Whoop!..?
  17. Seriously??? We are playing with a freshman QB and 2 or 3true freshman O Linemen. What in hell did y'all expect? I think we will be fine. I see development in the works.
  18. Maybe this is the for cause reason aggy needs to fire Jimbo
  19. I think Jesus will return before Omire
  20. I don't care of they play Spencer Sanders or Col. Sanders we spank that cowboy ass...
  21. Goddamned pussies! OSU was good till they weren't....their defense sucks and they now have no QB so the offense can't work either. The only thing they have going for them is playing in Stillwater where the refs don't even care if they look like homers....we are gonna mudhole them worse than OU.. Except for the cheating refs...crap...Doom!
  22. I am pissed to the greatest extent of pisstivity! What a bunch of pussies!...We are gonna mudhole those whining wannabe's!...ok...I am an old guy. UT lost a total of 19 games in the '60's and I was there for 12 of em. We didnt start winning again until we got a new QB. The X's and O's helped, but we were not doing worth a shit with em till we got the QB. We have the QB now and we are gonna roll. I dont give a shit about Sark's W-L before he was here. I dont give a shit about the W-L before we got Ewers. What we have is the here and now and we are gonna be the big dog again. I seriously think we are going to send Mr. "I am a man" into a funk that might send him into retirement. The only obstacle in our path from that point on will be eating the cheese.
  23. The thing I like about Ewers is he throws to where the receiver is going to be before he comes out of his break. If done correctly, it is undefendable. Done wrong and at best it looks terrible.At worst it is an int.
  24. Some of those long range misses by Ewers looked to me more like QB and WR not on the same page type deals. Problem there is you dont know which one of them screwed up.
  25. I dont know shit from shit, but if I knew these two things I might be able to make a good call on this game....... Is Spencer going to play? Is Watts going to play?
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