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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. Morgantown this coming week....87/81/79
  2. Park an older registered car directly in front of his house. Then a second. It won't be long until he snaps and does something stupid and illegal. Out here we call it "poking the bear". The longer this goes on, the greater chance a kid or innocent person gets hurt. PS: It would be interesting if the neighbor trying to sell who had buyers run off has some sort of cause for redress.
  3. Autoerotic asphyxiation.
  4. No CR bullshit please, but if you are not a US citizen (it looks like he is maybe Iranian from the sheet???) , does there come a point where you are sent back home no matter your status with multiple convictions? Were all his incidents just bullshit overcharging because of cops sick of his shit?
  5. lol at the name Miranda Panda.
  6. The Bills still haven't had a running back who could get the job done since OJ.
  7. Cheap marguarita's, interracial cuck porn, and lots of scat?
  8. I agree completely with the result, but think it is more by an abrogation of duties by Congress. Fuckers don't want to do much of anything except get re-elected, cut taxes and increase spending.
  9. And Jessica Alba as a concerned bra-less mother needing consoling. PS: Idea for the movie title: "Phuket,... Just Get Them Out."
  10. -I would advocate more for the enforcement (or change) of current laws and see if that works. If it doesn't work, then the punishment isn't enough and should be increased if we as a country want to stop the illegal immigration. -The gov't didn't put the kid in the position, the parent did. That's on them as long as we enforce consistently. -You know that discretion does exist. I personally think that they should charge here. Especially with a child and putting them in harm's way. If our system is bad, work to change it, don't ignore it. -If labeling me authoritarian helps you, that's fine, I'll sleep OK tonight (I didn't cross illegally into Canada or Mexico or any other country... ). As I've said here before, selective enforcement of laws is a very dangerous thing. -The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly. -Abraham Lincoln -Anything is a dildo if you are brave enough. -Abraham Lincoln.
  11. I directly answered the previous question you asked. Regarding this new question, I have two thoughts on it. One, and most importantly, we should follow the law as it is currently written whatever that is until or if it is changed. Two, my personal opinion is that if someone crossed the border illegally that they should be returned to whatever border they came from and told that we understand and appreciate that you want to come here, but we have a legal process and it needs to be followed/adhered to, as we are a country of laws. If they choose not to cooperate with this return, then they need to enter the legal system and custody. Yes custody, not released. According to current law, they aren't supposed to be here anymore than I am supposed to be roaming the halls of Jerry Jones' house. 100% of what happens to the child is on the parent and their choice. They have now had two choices not to take a chance and break up a family and failed both times.
  12. It's not against the law to seek asylum. Why would we charge a mother who is seeking asylum in the legal manner that we have currently in our laws, with child abuse, unless she committed child abuse in the process?
  13. It is snarky to say that we/they should follow the current laws? If they are bad, then change them. Selective enforcement of laws is more dangerous/fraught with abuse than most things a government can do.
  14. Add child abuse charges to the parent for dragging the child along to an illegal activity instead of using one of the 9-10 embassies/consulates that we have located in Mexico that could help them enter the country/apply for asylum according to our current laws.
  15. With my personal experience with (now dead) very old relatives, one of the ways slavery was rationalised was that the individuals were dehumanized. Many did not think of blacks as humans, so you weren't owing a human. My maternal grandmother was like this. Though born after the war, she knew people that had been born slaves and we had slaves here on the farm that I currently own. If you had asked her, there were "people", that was the white folks, "animals", like oxen and horses and cows, and then there were "nigras". As repungnant as that is to us, if you dehumanize people, you can do some pretty terrible things to them. I would imagine that happened often and by many in Nazi Germany with jews and even to some extent in any current military in a combat situation.
  16. Internet etiquette is when posting privileges are restored, that you post nudes.
  17. I think the new term is "Goo'd", as is "You had already Goo'd the thread all by yourself. It was a mess".
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