Not enough people understand how important us being the reserve currency is to our current economy and our debt laden government. I have often felt that none of the social issues or current banshee screaming issue driven loons will bring us to our knees, but rather a combination of: 1)us not being the reserve currency (watch as oil trades in other currencies/barter), 2) our total public and private debt and the interest paid, and then 3) the pension/SS and health care promises. These three will eventually take us down (or might be in the process of right now). What is the saying...A fiat currency works until it doesn't. And also remember, that all fiat currencies thru history have eventually failed.
PS; Sometimes, if you sit and think about it, how exactly does one get away with charging interest on a fiat currency? With a system of fractional reserve banking/a central bank, and a fiat currency, and with a high debt driven economy, it's almost like all a bank charter is now is a license to print money.