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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. We had it on the 1 with a first down.
  2. That was not holding on Navy.
  3. The second half Horvath is good! ou sucks
  4. Cade's parents went to aggy.
  5. That is the way.
  6. Go Gata. Stop Ole Miss and then run the clock. Win Win
  8. Hope you are feeling better. Hook'em!
  9. I'm in Travis County and have been using my driver's license for years.
  10. Voted at Arbor Walk at 6:50, no line. My 14th consecutive Democratic vote for president. Fuck Trump and Fuck Cruz.
  11. Texas could turn Blue if we ended the EC. The 85-15% in rural Texas would change because at this point there is no reason to vote if you are a Democrat.
  12. And she was defeated.
  13. I'm still pissed about the 1973 Miami game. Fuck them!
  14. Fuck Miami!!!
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