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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. I wish it were enough. Winning Bexar and Harris 54-42 isn't enough with rural counties going 20-80. Too many smaller counties so the Republican victories add up and the totals put Republicans in.
  2. Too late to register to vote in the March 3, Super Tuesday primary; however, you should register to vote for all Democratic candidates in November.
  3. Who cares about what the Hillary supporters did in 2008? I don't give a shit. It's 2020 and Bernie supporters need to vote blue if Bernie is not the nominee.
  4. My thoughts exactly. Bernie won New Hampshire, yeah, with 26% of the vote, meaning 74% didn't vote for him. Mayor Pete and Amy won 44% of the vote. I don't get the crowing all the Bernie folks are doing. Oh yeah, I remember all the yelling at the Clinton delegates at the Travis County Democratic Convention by the Bernie delegates. In my opinion they were/are insufferable if they don't get their way.
  5. Because she is not a hateful vindictive person who treats her political opponents like a third world autocrat. Guess that never crossed your Trump mind.
  6. Dershowitz kept his underwear on just a little.
  7. 16th out of 22 that have been targeted by Democrats to take back the Texas House. Cruz beat Beto here 51% - 48%. This was never going to be close.
  8. Pelosi handed out pens so I must vote for no witnesses, no documents and acquittal.
  9. Probably good advice, thanks. My first vote for president was McGovern, '72 while I was active in the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. McGovern won both on-campus precincts by 90 points over Nixon but didn't fare well nationally. I'll vote blue no matter who but I had too many run ins with Bernie supporters in 2016 with their bullshit #NeverHillary tags. Cheers.
  10. So you aren't a Bernie Bro? My apologies.
  11. Only a Bernie Bro would think Warren is an establishment candidate. Just saying.
  12. You thought she was winning the nomination before that?
  13. I'm not holding my breath.
  14. I'll vote for any Democrat over Trump but I believe Bernie will not win because Trump will brand him as a Socialist and it will convince enough independents to put Trump back in.
  15. Just another angry Bernie Bro.
  16. Trump: Mexico
  17. Watching it on TV is not the same as being there. Their white trash crowd was the worst I've ever endured.
  18. Were you around for Texas vs OSU in 2005?
  19. I taught Willy Wiggins in high school and Lawrence looks like him.
  20. Tulsi Gabbard voted Present. She needs to sit down and shut up and leave the Democratic Party.
  21. Collin Peterson Dem-Minn. His district went Trump by 30+ points.
  22. So people who support Trump.
  23. Gas prices should be the same everywhere. Home prices should be the same everywhere. Socialism wins.
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