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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. You should head to Vegas.
  2. Not so fast. The urban areas which are in the biggest counties in Texas are growing quickly and are increasingly voting Blue. In 2 years Dallas, Harris, Bexar, Travis, El Paso, Fort Bend, Williamson will have a higher number of voters who will vote for Democrats. It is a ticking clock that Texas will turn purple and Democrats will have the numbers to win statewide. It probably won't happen in 2 years but it could if Trump is taken down by his own ineptness or by Mueller.
  3. Oh really? How did Democrats in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan do? Think Trump still has those 3 states which won the election for him?
  4. Republicans keep saying Democrats lost tonight, but they already had control of the Senate. Republicans lost the House, hence Democrats won the House.
  5. Dude. Case was filming.
  6. Did you see Travis County went 75%-24% for Beto? Hint: Travis County ain't aggy.
  7. I see this triggered the conservatives on here to neg me. Boo hoo. I'm from a town in east Texas that had a Sun-Downer sign stating N_**** Don't Let the Sun Set On You In ______________. And in 2018 this is not one black in a town of 3000+. MANY, I didn't say all, that are stuck in that town are poor white trash and they are racists.
  8. I said many are, not all are. Learn to read.
  9. No it doesn't. It speaks to the rural Republicans, many who are white trash but in their minds at least they aren't Black or Hispanic.
  10. Carville said that too. Not true. The early vote is in but not today's which is keeping hope alive. Travis County is reporting only the early vote too and with 100,000 votes today, there is hope.
  11. Beto is a Texan, Rafael is not.
  12. So in 2016, Texans age 18-34 made up 23% of the voters and in 2018 Texans age 18-39 make up 24% of the voters. Doesn't make me think this is that good for Beto.
  13. I'd like to see the % of voters 18-39 in the 2016 general election in Texas.
  14. I'm in that video somewhere. It was a good time Was there too. Beto is holding up well, his voice and message were both strong.
  15. First, on the possession where they reversed the 1st down by Ehlinger, I thought we made the 1st down on the 3rd down play. Second, making 2 field goals and not one TD on the three possessions killed us.
  16. How is it looking with non-pure Republicans?
  17. I've been in Austin since 1973, my graduation year from UT. But yeah, I hear you. Several of the little towns, Canton and Wills Point for sure voted in alcohol sales recently.
  18. We country folks up in Van Zandt County called them crawdads.
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