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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. "I am in agreement— I think initially it was jarring to hear (much like the Cuomo comment) for a lot of folks, but if you took time and gave honest thought, there is merit. I get that." The above are the 2 full posts you wrote. I fail to read where you explained in context that Obama speech that day was about public works in our country and specifically the “YOU DIDNT BUILD THAT” was about roads and bridges. Call it what it was, bullshit to claim Obama said private business owners didn't build their businesses. It is not initially jarring to hear as you stated. Rather it was disingenuous for Republicans to use those 4 words completely out of context, placing them on the giant backdrop banner at the GOP convention. And of course the Trumpkins and low intelligent voters bought into it: "Obama hates capitalism. He is a communist."
  2. Obama was talking about the roads and bridges that allow consumers to get to people's businesses. The individual business owner's didn't build them. Using this quote insinuating business owner's didn't build their businesses is Bullshit. And the Trumpkins bought it hook line and sinker. Low intelligent voters.
  3. I think it is scared or ignorant, especially ignorant. For the old white Trumpkins stuck in rural towns, when they graduated from high school not everyone was told they could go to college like they are today so they got jobs and married right after high school. Moving to live in an urban area expands a person's perspective and working with and meeting diverse people increases the likelihood they will vote for Democrats.
  4. You got that right. Van Zandt is 93% white (7% hispanic), and only 3% black. My hometown has no blacks other than a few children without a father in the home. Some pickups display the Confederate flag and liberals are hated worse than the devil.
  5. My dad who was born in 1930 always said the same thing and if he were alive he was still be a yellow dog Democrat. I grew up in Van Zandt county and when I was young it was solid Democratic. Now it is all Republican. All I hear up there is Democrats want free things from the government and they kill babies.
  6. I'm a freedom loving voter, allowing women the freedom to choose and allowing gays the freedom to marry. I'm voting bright blue.
  7. That said I predict a Hispanic Dem (I know he's not Hispanic) wins in 2020. Wins what?
  8. So explain what I stated as antiquated..? Explain what is wrong to enlighten some, not just post an arbitrary word that someone is "wrong", extrapolate your point... "Here is an example of early age indoctrination" Youth are not indoctrinated into being gay. They are born that way. Neither straight nor gay youth can be converted to the other side. "I am in now way condemning people that choose such a lifestyle" People don't choose to be gay. See above. "I believe it hard to "pray away" someone's gayness". Gay people can't pray the gay away. The idea that it is hard to pray away someone's gayness implies it is possible and is idiotic. You should be more explicit in what you think happens when this difficult exercise of praying the gay away is successful. Your thoughts are antiquated and wrong. I'm not going to waste time being more explicit trying to convince you your thoughts are from the the thinking of more than 50 years ago.
  9. Here is an example of early age indoctrination I am in now way condemning people that choose such a lifestyle I believe it hard to "pray away" someone's gayness Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Your thoughts on homosexuality are antiquated and wrong. Save both us and yourself time and stop posting about this.
  10. I like the way you think.
  11. This. A lot of students attending college, especially junior college, can't pass a 7th grade math test so they have to take several semesters of developmental math which don't count toward a degree. Most of them are getting grant money and almost 70% never take a college credit math class. They use the grant money for a few semesters and then drop out because they failed so many classes the grant stops funding. The small percentage who are paying for their tuition have a much higher passing rate than the ones getting grants. I wish getting a high school diploma meant something like it used to. How so many can graduate from high school with Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II and don't know how to solve 2x + 5 =35 is is unreal. Many can't give the correct answer to -8 + 5.
  12. In your judgement, what percent of adults in the U. S. are garbage?
  13. As are her fervent fans. Thanks. Do you believe Trump supporters are garbage too?
  14. The race was determined long before the primaries were over and before the convention but unlike Hillary, who was much closer to beating Obama in 2008, Bernie stayed in the race until the convention which was divisive. Hillary dropped out before the Democratic convention in 2008 and it made for a smooth convention. A large number were so butt-hurt that the #NeverHillary bullshit got popular and those Bernie bots were successfully targeted by Russians and stats show they helped elect Trump. Clinton got 16.8 million primary votes and Sanders got 13.2 million. That's 56% to 44%, a landslide. I remember the Bernie idiots claiming Hillary was a Republican. They refused to vote for her by either voting for Trump, staying home for voting for Stein. I wonder if they are happy with who they help elect. In my opinion they are as guilty as the Republicans and they deserve to own it. I hope you are still laughing when Bernie loses again.
  15. Bernie isn't going to be the Democratic nominee in 2020. Hillary Clinton beat him badly in 2016 for the nomination and those millions and millions of supporters are not going to vote for him in Democratic primaries. Bernie is very popular among young progressive Democrats and they don't get out and vote. Keep wishing and hoping though.
  16. Link?
  17. Beto is not going to win by converting these type of Republican voters. Texas is not going to go blue by converting them either. Beto's and Texas' hope of going blue is with increased voter turnout, specifically among Hispanics.
  18. Trumpsters: But what about the emails as Trump sells us to Russia.
  19. Get the popcorn. This gonna get good.
  20. Mariia Butina got plenty of body fluids.
  21. This. There are enough Republicans who want marijuana legalization to put Beto over the top. In addition, this stance would increase the millennial vote which is already going for Beto.
  22. I'm not making fun of anyone either. Here is the deal: Trump got 52.2% and Clinton got 43.2%, so yes Trump won Texas by 9%. Using those numbers for O'Rourke vs Cruz, O'Rourke would need to pic up 4.6% statewide, resulting in O'Rourke: 43.2% + 4.6% = 47.8% and Cruz: 52.2% - 4.6% = 47.6%. All this is assuming over 4% goes to others. When you lose by 9% you don't need to swing 10% your way to win but rather > 4.5%. I'm done.
  23. Trump won the entire state by 9% so Beto would need to have a 10% swing of all of Texas, not just the rural vote.
  24. What? Beto ONLY needs to get 10% more of the rural vote than Trump did? Explain please.
  25. This election is monumental if Beto wins. It is disgusting that all of rural Texas will vote for him for one reason: the R in front of his name.
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