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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. I'm good with east Texas going to Louisiana and the panhandle to Oklahoma but I support Beto so I want to keep El Paso.
  2. I'd like to east Texas and west Texas to separate from the state of Texas. The mostly rural counties in those areas vote 80-90% Republican and are the reason Texas is not blue. The I35 corridor and Houston are the highly populated area so the number of Congress representatives would be Democrats. The pitfall is there would be 4 Republican senators and 2 Democrats so maybe not a good idea. Texas will turn blue when my generation, the baby boomers die off.
  3. A former '69 high school classmate of mine was in Austin a few years ago and we were eating at the Domain. She said "A Mexican is now a cashier at the Brookshire's in south Tyler! Why would one of those people want to work at the Brookshire's in south Tyler?" I responded, "She probably needs the money." She and her husband are big aggy fans although both went to TJC and then Stephen F Austin and they are dyed in the wool republicans. They attended W's presidential inauguration. They are devout members of Green Acres Baptist too.
  4. Beto needs to make legalization of marijuana a big part of his campaign. I believe enough Republicans would vote for him if he did to allow him to win.
  5. Republicans running for president will be royally fucked.
  6. Remember when Trump fired Flynn as soon as the justice department informed him that Flynn was a Russian asset? Me either.
  7. She won't be. Crooks and cheaters often win but it doesn't make them honorable.
  8. Bunch of aggy on here who would rather have t u lose than aggy win.
  9. Hillary was so horrible a candidate that she got almost 3 million more votes then Trump. Trump is a narcissistic authoritarian con who will go down as the worst president ever. Hillary should be our president.
  10. Katy Tur just had a segment on MSNBC about Beto trying to unseat Cruz. Just the effort, charisma, and good looks of Beto is a positive that will help his campaign. I've got my yard sign out and of course they are all over Austin. IMO rural Texas that will decide this race because when they vote 80%+ R they out number the margin of Democratic votes in the urban counties that will vote for Beto.
  11. Trump is a blowhard. He is a corrupt narcissist, lies to protect himself, and has too many associates that have connections to Russia for it not to true that there was collusion. His tweets indicate that he is unhinged and unstable. He needs to go.
  12. Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his political enemies. Fox News repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. Only one IRS office was involved in the vetting of the numerous applications for tax free status and both liberal and conservative groups were looked at. It is true there were more conservative organizations asking for tax free status so more of them were investigated. This lie bothers me more than most of the other Republican bullshit.
  13. Obama didn't have the power to shut down Fox News or the Benghazi Investigation. He could not stop it.
  14. I have a hard time believing 40% of the voting population still support Trump.
  15. Cite where Comey said "that in the Hillary case charges would have been brought against anyone else".
  16. I'm a baby boomer, UT class of '73. George H W Bush, a very moderate Republican, spoke at my commencement. I'm as pissed as you are the way evangelical "Christians" are voting. It is not the Christianity I grew up with in the '50 and '60's. I am from Van Zandt county, which went for Trump something like 85%. I'm sure my east Texas former classmates and relatives think I'm crazy. Most of them stopped their education at high school and think Trump is doing a great job. I'm really hoping for a Beto victory so that my faith in the decency of our state is restored.
  17. Simply, they all lied. And, the FBI should have been notified immediately that a foreign entity, Russia, is contacting us (the Republicans) offering information to impact the election. Treasonous behavior.
  18. I agree with those that think he will resign in 2019. He will hate being president even more when the Democrats take the House.
  19. Bout damn time we started recruiting nationally. We are Texas.
  20. Do Something!
  21. Are you thinking the $1.5 or $1.6 million settlement case was actually Trump's and not Broidy's?
  22. The median age of the 155,000 mail in voters was 67. Besides the fact that that demographic overwhelmingly votes Republican it is amazing a Congressional district is that elderly.
  23. The Arizona-08 Congressional election results are final, Republican Lesko: 52.6% and Democrat Tipirneni: 47.4%. Only a 5.2 point victory for Republicans in this deep red district is amazing. I hope this means we are in for a Blue Tsunami in November.
  24. The Arizona-08 Congressional election results are final, Republican Lesko: 52.6% and Democrat Tipirneni: 47.4%. Only a 5.2 point victory for Republicans in this deep red district is amazing. I hope this means we are in for a Blue Tsunami in November.
  25. The vast majority of students and schools who have protested and walked out of class are high school students. It is my opinion that those students can think for themselves and thus don't have outside organizers telling them where the doors are that lead them outside. All it takes is for it to be on the news and/or travel by word of mouth the day and time of the walkout protest. It isn't that difficult for any age student to walk out of a classroom and go outside.
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