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Ben Franklin

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Everything posted by Ben Franklin

  1. 100% on the money. KOAB is black Sal.
  2. On a typical day, Robin's jokes go 0-for-10, but she was on fire with Memet and his t-shirt. I suppose it's easier with such a huge target.
  3. It was revealed in the Hollywood Reporter article that came out this morning.
  4. Yesterday they were on to test the equipment after being off so long.
  5. He wasn't saying that the tax rates are different. He's saying that there's more wealth in New York (corporate and individual), which results in more money overall going to the federal government, which is then spread out to the states. And he's right. New York gives far more to the federal government than the South, and it receives far less per capita.
  6. I'm pretty sure I've heard Richard say he works 5 days a week. And I don't think they get off the weeks that Howard is off. That's when they get ahead on bits.
  7. Talk about missing the context. Howard's quote was that they have such big dicks that they literally fucked her brains out, and that's why she is the way she is.
  8. And Jeff the Vomit Guy. What a creep. I get tired of Beet quickly. But I could listen to Hank forever. It's a shame his death was overshadowed by 9/11.
  9. 100% agree. She's also the hottest name in music.
  10. I know. Just saying, he's never been in good shape.
  11. As opposed to when he was pushed around Vegas in a shopping cart?
  12. In all the years I've been listening, I've yet to hear Robin make a funny joke. Yet, she continues to try, bless her.
  13. My God, he really is an actor.
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