I agree, but for slightly different reasons. Surly used to be hilarious when it was rooted in Texas football and dick cartoons. It was mostly funny and occasionally douchy. Now it's mostly douchy and occasionally funny. Half the posts are some form of "[fill in user or board] is stooopid!" It's not about being thin skinned or wanting well-considered assertions. That shit is boring. Why would I want to go to the 9.95 board to read a bunch of douchebags complaining that the football board is dumb? If you don't like the football board, don't go there. Also, too, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. The same thing happens with Futureman. It's become a douchebag rite of passage to talk shit about him. Futureman's bit isn't really my thing, but he's better than half the posters on Surly he doesn't parrot the same fucking thing over and over. If you're going to rip on someone, at least be original about it.
You want more engagement? Ratchet down the douchiness.
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