But it’s 90% of daily life. Everything. EVERYTHING. Has some dependency on oil. Like it or hate it, you can’t be anti-oil right now and not be hypocritical to some degree. If you find someone that is anti-oil and they give you the time to explain that the entire country’s infrastructure is built around the industry then it is an absolute truth that it would take 100 years to leave fossil fuels. Even the loom that weaves hemp sweaters is run through the oil industry.
I’m not saying fossil fuels are going to be around forever. I think there is tremendous opportunity in renewables. But if 2035 is the goal, or even 2050, to be off the anadarko tit then that goal is 100% unattainable. We are just too dependent on it. All that being said, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. It would be interesting to see an actual economic business plan to move away from fossil fuels. I think it can be done with the right plan. This coming from a guy who made it in styrofoam manufacturing.