I think it depends on how he wins. I think joe is the guy who can beat trump, but he probably needs to find space in his admin for beto, Pete, warren, and then some other young people. If he is passing the baton to a younger generation and maybe some more progressive ideas then You’ll probably see pelosi and some other statemen pass things along as well. This probably builds the party as long as the next generation doesn’t go crazy left extremely fast. With Bernie you’re going crazy left real fast and that will lose a lot of 50-75 year old voters.
If Bernie loses at convention then its a war. BT says he’ll support any dem but his tone says he’s going to be a sore loser if Bernie doesn’t win. If Bernie loses because of superdelegates I guarantee Biden won’t get his vote. If that is the tone for 20% of bernies supporters then Biden can’t win. Which is why he needs the likes of warren in his campaign to hopefully soften the blow to the bro’s. On the other side, 20% or so of Dems say they don’t support a socialist candidate. That’s an immediate loser for Bernie in the general. That prolongs the party revolution another 4 years which might put 2024 in doubt and various congressional swings in doubt.
i supported trump early in the primary process because I knew he would destroy what was left of the Republican Party. That was my one and only goal. Everyone can bitch about the fallout That they like or don’t like but I was tired of shit like McCain claiming to know what was right and wrong. I wanted someone who hadn’t been in office for 30 years before to give me an opinion. Bernie will bern the party to the ground. If that’s what you want then vote for him but don’t expect him to win (I didn’t expect trump to win the general). Biden is certainly a gamble with progress. I think he does well if he starts unrolling his cabinet next week when warren drops out.