Its weird to me that B_T believes there is no way for trump to win but then says blacks need to show up at the same rate they did for Obama. There is zero chance that happens and on top of that, Emerson, Marist, and rassmussen all have trump in the 30% or greater level of approval from African Americans.
the reason the Virginia polls are the way they are is because the dems have 100% control of the VA government and are threatening to make certain citizens felons on 1/20. They are organizing militias for fucks sake. You think those people aren’t ready to vote?? It is comical that someone said “moderates” are ruining the country. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Too far right got us a swing to the left. Certain states swinging left is getting hard push and enthusiasm from the right. Imagine that? If VA falls you can 100% put it on coonman and the dems and a policy (in this case 2A) that is not acceptable to the citizens. Push policies that aren’t wildly acceptable (M4A, guns confiscation, unabated immigration) and you will get push back. You will do one of two things:
1. Marginalize the middle and they don’t participate.
2. Enthuse the opposition.
When elections are won by 2-4% of the population then you can’t afford to do either of these items. You do both and you’re going to get smoked.
But nawww trump doesn’t stand a chance.