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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. Has to be at least 95%. Which is also crazy to think about. Where the fuck does the money come from?
  2. Porn sites are among the most visited on the net. They’re littered with ads. They straight print money.
  3. It’s weird to me how much Hugo wants to let Hillary slide, making every thread about her at some time or another. He wants up in that FUPA I think. Face it, she ran a shit campaign on the heels of two of the most successful campaigns in election history. “It’s her turn” isn’t a political stance you can win on. In areas I’m from that actually turned a bunch of women off. Notions like that hurt women and their push for true equality. She fucked up about 20 different ways and on top of that, people have hated her since 1994. The way she cultivated her entire career and persona and ultimately how she campaigned lost her the election. Not one of the most successful presidents (for his causes) in modern times. Fuck man... even Bill was telling her she was fucking up but she wouldn’t listen.
  4. Would you encourage this behavior? If the claim is that this is fire with fire then just as trump is considered a demagogue and fascist then wouldn’t warren have to be considered the same? She is saying what she’ll do without consent of Congress. She’s talking about how she is going to force things down peoples throats. She’s not using ration, just appealing to the people who have an emotional aversion to certain industries. That is textbook demagoguery and fascism This is exactly why our old pal joe Biden was the leader out of the gate. He seemed like the most rational and level person. He’s just too damn old and people are realizing that his time has passed. If he’s 20 years younger he absolutely smokes this field and beats trump by 100 EVs or more.
  5. I’m not saying you can’t put corporate criminals in jail. We absolutely should. I’m saying you can’t take a position of “my family farm was foreclosed on so Every banker should be in jail and we absolutely need to break up any bank with more than a billion dollars in deposits.” warren and I disagree on about everything. But I can see how she appeals to people. The problem is that she isn’t bringing real solutions to solving the problems that her base, and she, cares about. As said in your post, gas goes to $7 a gallon and all of the sudden all of the people who voted for her can’t afford to drive to work. She kept her promise but fucked her constituency. There are absolutely real and reasonable ways to approach climate change and criminal bankers and any other issue you think is important. Saying “let’s just kill the industry” isn’t a solution. It’ll hurt the people more than it will cure the problem.
  6. Warren’s tactic is very clear. Any issue that is a core concern for a left of moderate dem is going to be addressed not by making sensible goals but by absolutely attacking the connected industries. Climate change: destroy fossil fuel industry and companies regardless of what it does to the economy. No time to transition. Just destroy ASAP. Bankers didn’t go to jail: destroy banking industry regardless of the harm it will cause every citizen with even a modest amount in the stock market. Cause havoc with inflation because the ends justify the means day one. When you look at her approach to getting what she wants you have to wonder why we even have congress or senate. Of course, you have to wonder the same for about 18 of the last 20 years. I mean at least the worst legislation in the last 50 years went through all chambers. She wants to take “pen and phone” to a level beyond what anyone else has.
  7. Lebron says that he should voice his opinions and we should care about them. Then he goes and shows how out of touch he is by attempting this. This is why people want him to shut up and play. Had no one in his crew ever had a taco before? What a fucking moron.
  8. At this point I’d take yang. I think he has some dumb ideas but he has the least of them and he Seems to have the ability to step back and say “this isn’t working I should reverse course rather than power through.” the other candidate are so full of bold declarations that it seems as if they would rather destroy everything than move forward with the best plans. Biden was the guy but fucking A. Just give it to yang and let’s try again in 4 years.
  9. Agree. The high side was 4 wins this year. Vegas has us at 3. We are probably at 1-2. Next year is going to be worse but in year 3 we will have a lot of sophomores and juniors who have a ton of game experience. Hopefully one of our wins this year is a very strong showing toward the end of the year to build some momentum into the offseason. My biggest hope has always been that miles gets the roster fixed and instills some sort of discipline (even just miles level discipline is 100x better than what we’ve had). If he does that then the wins will come.
  10. I didn’t see the game but shit. It isn’t as bad as the 3-6 loss for Gill’s program introduction but Jesus. My only take is that we didn’t expect shit this year and we still have a bad roster through 2020. Hopefully we can go to a bowl game in 3 years. All that being said, if mangino was still the coach he would have keeled over on the sideline by now. Now way his coaching career was going to last more than 15 years with his body type.
  11. Do you think he knew that was happening? I’ve never experienced something like that. Do you see red? Is your vision impaired when this happens? Do you think he was the only one in the world that didn’t know his eye was fucked?
  12. Even when Biden isn’t screwing up his body is. Reminds me of Hillary in that regard. Have to believe that when the votes roll in the race is between Harris, warren, and Bernie.
  13. I don’t think anyone has any idea. Our offense has to be better and we get our best weapon back. But will he make a difference?? There are plenty of 1-0 teams in the bottom ten. Given we were #1 last year I would have thought we would start in a hole. They apparently gave les some credit.
  14. Interesting twist. If the schools were lobbying the FBI to not give up the evidence and the schools are the NCAA then the ncaa basically just killed its own investigation.
  15. He’s full go this weekend. We might put up 24 points. Lucky for us coastal Carolina had to evacuate so they are missing some practice. I was shocked to see us out of the bottom ten on espn this morning. Thought for sure we’d at least be #10.
  16. Getting boofed in the prison for 9 months isn’t the same as working the military base. Lot of Missouri fans in that prison.
  17. Wheel will be there for 100 years. Place is a mint and they only take cash. ANd the don’t ever have specials because they like their money.
  18. Sounds like they are going to..... get off. [davidcaruso.gif]
  19. We’re SEC now. The second arrest was using a fake ID at the hawk. Sucks for that kid because apparently next Saturday is his 21st bday. The first 2 weeks of school is always when the cops raid the hawk and take underage scalps. Then they cruise back through in the second semester sometime. It’s funny to see the place clear out when 15 officers walk in. It’s almost like a little shake down on the owner, letting him know that they could severely hamper his business of selling booze to teens if they wanted to.
  20. Unless it's a concrete structure...I'm gonna guess no. Just hope the people have good structural safety and the death total is low Referring back to my trip to Freeport, lot of concrete structures. The problem is everything in and around them gets destroyed and they get abandoned. Then you just have an abandoned spray painted shithole concrete structure that grass and trees are wildly growing in and around. Outside of the beach I was at for a day the place was seriously miserable looking.
  21. I’ve been to Freeport. Place looks like it’s been hit by many hurricanes. Total shithole except for a few beaches.
  22. Ku on pace to be bowl eligible.
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