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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. Alright... need an early November golf trip. Pinehurst is booked. Harbour town is cart path only in November. Waiting to hear from kiawah. Am sick of Scottsdale. Where would you head for a 3 round weekend where it is warm, easy to get to, good golf, and good surroundings for food and drinking? I’ll hang up and listen.
  2. I wouldn’t doubt it. That was kind of my primary fear that I overpaid for a club that would never come. Like I said, I wasn’t going to have the timing issue with my club. I also ordered 2 new wedges this summer with custom shafts and had no problem getting them in 2 weeks from the pro shop. Further, I was in golf galaxy last week and they had the club head and grip. I also contemplated just going and getting the club from GG and ordering the shaft so I’d have something to play while I waited for the shaft. CC basically had no explanation and then when I told them I was going to start fraudulent transaction proceedings with my bank they instantly had the club available.
  3. That’s where I was before breaking through. Lot of 39-41 front/back nines combine with a 46 or 43. When the dam finally broke for me it was club championship week and I thought about golf ALL WEEK leading up to the event. I knew I had 79 in me and knew it would happen. Probably the most mentally prepared I’ve ever been for a round and then I just scrambled my ass off. Definitely not the way I envisioned it it 78 is less than 80 so like my ass and suck my dick.
  4. She quit on her team. Plain and simple. I know mental illness and stress are real, but the ability to overcome that is paramount to being a top athlete. Look at a million NFL wide receivers. All have great talent and some can’t mentally handle the spotlight and money. Many are no longer wanted even though they can physically produce results better than the next man up. Point is, if she can’t support her team then she should have never been on the plane to Japan. Let someone who is mentally prepared to go. Flip the script, I’m strong as fuck mentally, but I don’t play professional sports because I’m an out of shape fuck. If mental game is 1/2 the battle then she only has half the qualifications to be on the team. If I’m the coach she isn’t competing in the individual events.
  5. So they give you yardage books showing where the target landing zones are and where the good misses are?
  6. Finally just lost a gasket on Club Champion. I love that place but their pricing and their customer service has worn out its welcome. I got fitted for my hybrid in the middle of june and they quoted me 4-6 weeks for delivered club. At 4 weeks I called in to the local shop that fitted me and they never called me back. I emailed twice and they never responded. So I called HQ and was told that they had just ordered my club components. They sat on my order for 4 weeks. Awesome. So yesterday I get an email update saying they need 3 more weeks. Unacceptable. Call and email the local shop I ordered thru, no response. Call HQ and just lay into the customer service guy. Not his fault but they took my money day one and they implied to me that they aren't required to send me my product within any reasonable timeframe. So I get hung up on. I call my pro shop and they can get the components and have the club built within 14 days. Club Champion service manager calls me back and I let him have it. Told them that if they can't provide timely clubs then there is zero reason to use their service because of the huge markup. I'm all for them making money but they can't float orders 4 weeks and then ask for more time. I go off. The manager is polite and understands the issues and actually states that the pandemic has exposed their internal deficiences. I have the club in hand as of 9:45am this morning 17.5 hours after my call. So it isn't that they don't have product in house or that they can't hit their deadlines, it's that they won't. This isn't a feel good story, I'll never buy from them again regardless of the manager taking care of business. The problem there is systemic and the local shops are probably the worst offenders in their customer service problems. Fuck em. I've got a match on Saturday and I'm going to be launching absolute piss missiles. 79 coming in hot.
  7. TCU and Baylor to the MWC isn’t a terrible move for them. They have upgraded facilities from the last 10 years of revenue and will be the top dog in their conference. With expanded playoffs, as long as the CFP doesn’t shut out mid-majors, they have a much clearer path to a national title.
  8. Sooooo... bandon tomorrow?
  9. Not going to lie. This little fling is becoming something that is a bit much. Not because of her, but because now 20 guys at the course know and it’s just a nonstop topic of conversation. I’m already shitting where I eat on this one. I don’t need to hear about it nonstop. Might have to wind it down.
  10. Can you give me more details on what the program actually is?? The website is kinda vague on method/theory. also, I’m clearly developing tennis elbow or something. Outside of my left, leading, elbow is in constant pain EXCEPT for when I swing a club. Thoughts on how to fix this without taking 3 weeks off?
  11. Shot 84. Second place.
  12. Fuck I’m hungover
  13. 4 fairways. 4 greens. 26 putts. Literally didn’t miss a putt from inside 20 feet. Had 2 lip outs from outside 50.
  14. GET SOME!!! 78 for my low round ever by 4 strokes!!! First place in my flight going into the second and final round. Net 66!!!
  15. I think the truth for a high handicap golfer that is dealing with the shanks is that they don’t strike the ball. Then simply ask why? A high handicap golfer doesn’t have a feel for where the ball is at the bottom of the swing. I didn’t mean to imply being robotic and staying in one position the whole swing (and through it). I always rotate through the swing and flow with the swing. But now that I know where the ball is at the bottom of my swing (a skill gained thru repetition), I look back and realize that I never felt the ball or remember “seeing” the ball at impact. I eliminated those shots from my game when I took the extra time to remember to focus on the ball. That split second of focus on the ball at impact, even though you follow thru, was a massive step for me in making more consistent impact on the ball, eliminating shanks and hosel rockets from my game. I’d also equate it to a practice swing on the range when you’re trying to groove a new aspect of the swing. Over-exaggerating swing moves during practice makes you “feel” how the move should be made more clearly. So if you can’t even make contact with the ball why not exaggerate your focus on the ball to better understand it’s position in your swing path? Obviously this isn’t advice for a 4 index who has been playing golf forever. It’s a swing thought for people who can’t hit 2-3 shots in a row without a shank, chilly dip, or bladed 190 yard pitching wedge sneaking into their game. If you don’t have an ACCURATE feel for where the ball is then you probably need to focus on the ball to learn where it is until that feel is developed. That was how I eliminated the mentioned problem from my game and it took a while to get it done. Now when I have that issue I can call it being lazy with my swing and I can correct it mid-round be refocusing.
  16. Yep. Don’t look up no matter what. In every swing. My putting got great when I said I’d 2 count after the putt was hit. This is the one thing I can say that will kill any shanks. You’ll always hit the ball and that’s basically step one to not being lazy on the course. Laziness always killed me. Then you worry about alignment which @Lurch really helped me with. Then I guess it’s about playing a ton and getting the right equipment. Once again, something just clicked for me when I changed to the midsize grips and I look at the course 100% different now. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m in my prime as a golfer and my handicap can’t keep up with my improvement. Btw... just realized I’m in a cart with a doc who is worth about $40M but he calls the clubhouse on Sunday when he’s going to be 30 minutes late for the brunch special so he can reserve a spot and get brunch for $8 a plate instead of $12. Should have a blast with him. Fuck.
  17. The shitty thing in my mind is that as a guy who used to be there I have plenty of thoughts on what you need to do to stop scoring over 100 but I couldn’t tell you how to accomplish any of them. One day it just clicked for me. Then it clicked again this spring and I got to 80s. I guess the first thing I did was make sure I’m always looking at the ball. If you can’t be patient enough to have laser focus on the ball then you’ll never amount to anything in golf. I play with some good players and they hated my 19.7 index because it was rounds of 1 birdie. 3 pars. 6 bogeys and the rest double/triples. We play hammer so I’d win a ton of holes.
  18. Club championship flights are out. I’m the worst handicap in the 3rd flight. I’m liking that a lot given my handicap still hasn’t quite caught me and we play tees that are about 250 yards shorter than my usual. Going to hit the perfect putting mat for about 300 putts the next two nights and fucking bring home some hardware. LFG!!
  19. 9.8 index this morning has me thinking I should go pro.
  20. Club championship is next weekend. I’m coming in real hot. Index is at 10.0. If things go right I’ll exit the week as a single digit index with some pro shop credit and a second club tourney win on the year.
  21. 3 rounds this weekend. 87, 83, 83. I’m so close to 70s I can taste it. My first 83 was a 37/46 and second was 40/43 with 4 three putts. Still slamming the cart girl but the real key to my game is the Greg Norman straw hat I’ve been sporting for about 10 days. Thing doesn’t know how to not hit it in the fairway.
  22. Dilemma... one of my friends got a new shaft for his driver. Same head as mine (ping G410). I guess the shaft is regular flex but then stiffens in the downswing. Really weird feeling but after a few swings I got it down and gained about 15 yards on my drive. If it was 5 yards or so I’d chalk it up to better contact or something. But this was side by side, on the course, 2 balls off the tee comparables. The question is, do I buy one? It’s $800. This shaft would consistently put me around or just over 300 off the tee.
  23. Remy Martin pulls out. KU loaded with experience and all-conference talent. College basketball as a whole is looking strong this year. Can’t wait.
  24. Jakes Wilson and ochai agbaji returning to ku. If remy Martin doesn’t stay in the draft Ku has championship aspirations.
  25. Played like dogshit today. Got hammered though and scored a date with the 22 year old cart girl. Will report back tomorrow evening or Wednesday morning depending on how the date goes.
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