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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hook1997

  1. Hertz if you book an economy size car they automatically give you an electric car now, that’s what an employee told me. I thought that was odd too.
  2. Parmesan hassleback potato’s, shrimp scampi and dumplings from Nom Wah in New York via goldbelly.
  3. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/body-found-in-lake-austin-near-mansfield-dam-overnight/ Another one! But not downtown.
  4. The those decisions belong to legislators argument, that was kinda my whole point for both sides? But to you one side is at fault completely here? For every Marjorie Taylor Green there’s a John Fetterman that got elected (I agree he was running against a person with brain damage also, hints my point).. For every Ted Cruz there’s a AOC, defend it all you want but come on.. (they are pretty much each side’s opposite) Hank Johnson thought an island might turn over because a base was too big on one side…. Jamaal Bowmam, Tommy Tuberville, the list goes on. How people like this on either side get into office is astounding. Yes Trump brought out the worst in blind followers who choose to turn a blind eye to everything but the Democrat reaction to that was to act the same way to an extent. Neither admit flaws at any cost now and when challenged just talk louder about how the other is wrong instead of any actual discussion happening. Are Trump politics and the hardcores that jump on board worse than anything else right now, sure. But both parties and all media outlets have adopted the strategy. So yes in my opinion it’s understandable to not like the direction either has taken. This whole thread is about CR bring crap.. My whole point is in CR if you bring up any opposing view over half will just call you names and not give a educated answer. Same with a conservative board right now. Before a few years ago that wasn’t always the case, there’s a reason most on this board say CR has gone to shit recently. It’s the same people patting themselves on the back and bitching in unison about views they don’t like, there’s seldom any actual debate on anything going on. Same for a conservative board I’m sure.
  5. Believing parts of both are right and maybe both should be more to the center is not a badge of shame you think it is…. Country would be much better off if both parties thought more like that. But you wear your extreme to one side badge proud if you want!
  6. Where? You can go back to page 16 of the Biden thread there is no talk about it being an issue, plenty of talk saying it’s the GOP narrative and there is no issue. Half the Biden thread is about Trump. The Jon Stewart thread is the closest thing to that, but most of it is well look at Trump. We get it, everyone should know what Trump is at this point and yea it’s crazy people overlook everything and still support him just because he’s a Republican. Which goes back to being more worried about your side is wrong I’m right at all costs. Let’s ignore this issue because look at the other guy isn’t addressing the issue.. Also no, those are the loud voices you hear that say things like that then support everything he stands for. I think both are flawed right now because they try so hard to be the opposite of the other. Nothing will be fixed until both realize they need to work together instead of trying to prove the other is wrong non stop. While you are right to a point, that’s voting just on general policy over one person or the other side. Also plenty undecided and center who just won’t vote this year, I expect the voting numbers to be way down this year.
  7. There’s no real discussion here about Biden’s age being an issue here minus a sprinkle of posts. The last couple pages of the Biden thread are about Trump mostly. The center-right abandoned the discussion here because no one listens when people even try to make a solid point. Instead it’s met with anger and things like go suck Trump’s dick more or other name calling. Now some do come in just spouting far right crap too and get yelled at for good reason. The same thing happens if a democrat goes to a right leaning forum trying to make valid points. I’ve seen it plenty while reading threads in the past here. The they both are showing sign of slipping so choose the non crazy person argument kinda proves my point. Both parties should not be running either of them but the loudest voices and most extreme run both now. Many people on both sides shouldn’t be in the positions they are in but people love the ones yelling the loudest, most rah rah their side these days even if what they are saying doesn’t make sense. I hate Trump as much as anyone and a year ago thought there was no was he was actually going to be the candidate. All the other issues you brought up are far right people issues that logically shouldn’t have arguments standing up for them and should be called out by their own party but instead it’s blind support. All my opinions obviously, so I don’t care to debate it more either. The reason people don’t like going to political forums these days is that no one listens to any idea that’s different than their own. You can say otherwise but I don’t believe for the most part that is close to true. I don’t really believe deep down that both parties truly think these are the best candidates they can come up with but here we are.
  8. That was, ah interesting. He did add sauce to the wings before eating them raw.
  9. The problem with CR is the same problem with society and politics today. Both sides and a majority of their followers are more worried about being right than actually working together or seeing their own flaws at all. Neither side can admit anything wrong with their leaders, any criticism, ect is met with a die on the hill attitude of you’re wrong I’m right stance on every little thing instead of actually conversations. It’s really quite crazy, what a time to be alive.
  10. Biga on The Banks https://biga.com/dining-menus/ is really good, Domingo https://www.domingorestaurant.com/domingo , Bohanan’s https://bohanans.com/menus/ I’ve never had a bad meal at any of them.
  11. These were very meh…. I miss the HEB stuffing ruffles. Those with some velveeta, hot rotel and hot breakfast sausage cheese dip is the tits. IMG_5679.webp
  12. They changed the controller on the PS5?! That was definitely one of the big things for PlayStation over XBox for me, I hate the XBox controller. Also I’ve had the PlayStation’s over XBox from the start. I’m in the need a new system to play boat also.
  13. Like don’t turn in a score card that’s not correct? At this level how can that be a honest mistake? If he didn’t pay attention to it, the person who filled it out is fired for sure.
  14. I think Georgia and the SEC learned their lesson this year with scheduling a shit out of conference schedule. If they didn’t cancel their Oklahoma game they would have been in the playoffs. Same thing applies with two or possibly three losses now. No matter what don’t go A&M level bad with the out of conference schedule please.
  15. Exactly the problem right now, you nailed it on the head. Now you CR baiters take that discussion back to the cave.
  16. Funny, I didn’t seem to mention it being worse for one or the other. Wasn’t great for either, as it should be at this point. See back in the day shows made fun of both sides flaws….
  17. He’s great! Also love that we have someone calling out both numbnuts now. No CR.
  18. You’re right not quick, but one of the fastest mountain areas to get to for a getaway for few days.
  19. Went to Ruidoso NM for spring break once, you had to avoid half the mountain that was grass the other half was ice… If you plan to ski I’d just drive a few more hours to Colorado. Ruidoso is great in the summer though for a quick getaway.
  20. I just watched Marmalade, really liked it. Don’t read too much about it or too many reviews before watching it, might spoil it some.
  21. Why is there no game until Saturday this week?
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