The those decisions belong to legislators argument, that was kinda my whole point for both sides? But to you one side is at fault completely here? For every Marjorie Taylor Green there’s a John Fetterman that got elected (I agree he was running against a person with brain damage also, hints my point).. For every Ted Cruz there’s a AOC, defend it all you want but come on.. (they are pretty much each side’s opposite) Hank Johnson thought an island might turn over because a base was too big on one side…. Jamaal Bowmam, Tommy Tuberville, the list goes on. How people like this on either side get into office is astounding. Yes Trump brought out the worst in blind followers who choose to turn a blind eye to everything but the Democrat reaction to that was to act the same way to an extent. Neither admit flaws at any cost now and when challenged just talk louder about how the other is wrong instead of any actual discussion happening. Are Trump politics and the hardcores that jump on board worse than anything else right now, sure. But both parties and all media outlets have adopted the strategy. So yes in my opinion it’s understandable to not like the direction either has taken. This whole thread is about CR bring crap.. My whole point is in CR if you bring up any opposing view over half will just call you names and not give a educated answer. Same with a conservative board right now. Before a few years ago that wasn’t always the case, there’s a reason most on this board say CR has gone to shit recently. It’s the same people patting themselves on the back and bitching in unison about views they don’t like, there’s seldom any actual debate on anything going on. Same for a conservative board I’m sure.