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Burnt Ends
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  1. 4HE

    Costa Rica

    Tipping etiquette for the concierge and house staff for a house in Tulemar. Concierge has been good, house staff have been excellent. I like to tip very well, but just don’t have a concept of what that should be. Percentage of house rental?
  2. 4HE

    Costa Rica

    We are binging the kids and my in-laws down the last week of May. Staying at a house in Tulemar. I booked the Caribsea and Sportsman for a full day trip. I’m in desperate need of a vacation so it can’t get here soon enough. How is the real estate market these days? Every time we go I get closer and closer to pulling the trigger on buying a place down there.
  3. A&M can’t do a damned thing about it. He owns them…
  4. Unless he was doing it wrong (and I seriously doubt he was) there will be no probate.
  5. Bunch of ball-washing bastards
  6. Kind of the same thing, no?
  7. I beat him once by decision. Close a lot but only one win.
  8. Whatchu talking about Willis?!
  9. Me too! Got two degrees so I must be a double homo!!!
  10. It’s piss?
  11. Didn’t smith break his leg in the Arkansas game? I know one of their receivers went down.
  12. Herein lies the root of our mediocrity. If we need bulletin board material to want to hang 60 on Tech, then we’re doing it wrong. That should be our default.
  13. I agree that this process of fracture is beginning. But I think it’s a double edged sword. They’re playing a lot of those young high dollar guys. So you’ve got a bunch of veterans pissed because the young money guys lost to App State + the young money guys who aren’t playing pissed that the veterans playing instead of them lost to App State…
  14. Es la verdad
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