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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by 4HE

  1. Anybody have any idea when the 2021 Libertads will hit the market the market this year? I like to buy coins from different countries (all just for silver or gold content). Libertads seem to be more scarce and priced higher relative to spot.
  2. I almost wish I hadn’t stumbled onto this thread. What a gut punch. Don’t want to derail, but my pharmacy in Crane has a huge mural dedicated to Paul Patterson (one of Elmer Kelton’s students I think) on one of the walls. It’s faded in parts and I am working with a local artist to restore it.
  3. Triangulate cobweb spider?
  4. Anyone have any BAT in their portfolio? I bought a small chunk about a month ago around 0.40. It is blowing up today. I need to look and see what the reason behind the spike is.
  5. They are having a drive-thru clinic in Andrews on Saturday March 20th. I’ll have to check on vaccine type on that one. Medical Center Hospital in Odessa just moved their operations from Ratliff stadium to their clinics. They mostly have Pfizer but I’ll check with the ceo to see if they have any moderna for you. The Andrews County Health Department has been getting Moderna only so I’ll reach out to that director to see if I can get you a dose.
  6. We have a lady driving from Tyler to our store tomorrow to get the J&J vaccine because it’s the only one she wants to take and we were the closest she could get.
  7. You should tell them do it now. A local hospital ceo called me yesterday to see if I wanted some of their vaccine transferred to my store. I couldn’t take any this week because I’m short staffed and could only handle the 100 we are allocated comfortably. But there is plenty of vaccine to be had here.
  8. Just got an email that we were allocated 100 doses of J&J for next week. Anyone desperate enough to drive out west I’ll put a needle in ya.
  9. Just got an email that we were allocated 100 doses of J&J vaccine for next week.
  10. It’s not that we don’t want it out here in west Texas. We’ve got proportionally a higher percentage vaccinated. We are above 33% in our county. When you consider that 50% of the population won’t take it, we are simply running out of arms to put it in.
  11. Come to our county. Our health department director has basically said just get the damned things in arms. Any arms. We are probably at 33% vaccinated in our county. All high risk groups have been given if they want it. And with ~50% not going to take the vaccine we are going to be running out of arms soon. If I get an allocation next week anyone on Surly that wants one can get it from me. Probably a huge drive for most, but you’ll get your shot. Even if it’s not “your turn” I don’t know anyone that’s questioning medical conditions. I sure as fuck am not.
  12. Same here. I have 4 wheel drive and can come get anyone who is stuck. We have power, water, and willing to help anyone in dire straights.
  13. Ah. If that’s the case the Travis county reps need to lean on DSHS like every other state politician is doing.
  14. Fuck that. If Travis county isn’t getting them into arms then they don’t deserve more allocation. Give that shit to people who are handling their business.
  15. I’m finishing reading “With the Old Breed”. The only book I’ve read that causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand up as it’s being told. It’s no misnomer that they are called the greatest generation. Good Lord I can’t even imagine myself in their shoes... Frankly, I don’t even want to.
  16. I remember when the Jaybirds dropped down to 6-man. They wreaked some f’n havoc in football at the time.
  17. Played them in a basketball tournament in Blackwell during my junior year I think.
  18. Close. Grady ISD in Lenorah/Tarzan
  19. Class of 16 here and I was salutatorian as well. My parents were both public educators so we lived on school provided housing on campus. 6 man football for the MF’n win. My Dad was principal at the school so we had our run of the place. Basketball gym, football field, tennis courts, wood shop, and everything else. My Dad beat my ass good one time when our summer football game ran past dark and we turned the stadium lights on so we could finish.
  20. There has been an uptick on production. That has been especially true on the 2 wells where they have recently done an acid clean out. I think I’ll stand pat and let them take me to Missouri before I even consider investing anymore with them.
  21. Thanks for the input guys. I’m particularly interested to hear that y’all haven’t had good experiences with water flood projects. Interestingly enough they are touting that it’s cheaper than primary production and thus can be profitable even when oil prices are in the tank. I think I’ll stick to Ameros for 2021.
  22. It’s Wheeler Operating Corp & Wheeler Resource Recovery. Based out of Fort Worth, TX.
  23. So I’ve invested in some working interest on a secondary recovery (water flood) project over the last couple years. The project is in Madison county. My previous experience with working interest is that the tax benefits are great, but you usually get operated to death. Recovery seems to be going up and the operator is telling me that we are “turning the corner” and the field is almost saturated. Anyone have any experience with water flood projects? Just curious if it’s worth throwing some more money at this year or not.
  24. PSA: City Drug in Llano got 1000 doses allocated this week. That’s a HUGE amount for a town that size. Might be worth calling them if you’re in that area and desperate to get one. Sorry if already posted.
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