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Zone Read

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Everything posted by Zone Read

  1. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    AMS-lite on my Bambu A1, can do up to 4 spools at one time.
  2. Thanks! What size do you think I need for 20 lbs of meat?
  3. Not being a hunter, tailgater, or camper, I don’t know the answer to this question. I’m sure one of you highly intelligent men-of-the-world would know. If I want to keep 20 lbs of sliced and wrapped BBQ brisket, sausage, and turkey warm for 5 hours tomorrow night, what size and style cooler would I use? I know Yeti are supposed to be the best but holy shit they are pricey.
  4. Was this recent? Cause of demise? Didn't he claim to be some ultra-marathon running tougher than a delta force warrior street-brawling badass that was in the peak of shape and had ninja-like fighting skills? I recall him challenging people to fight him all the time over disagreements. Did he finally actually meet up with someone he called out and it didn't go well? Surely a guy like him doesn't die of natural causes.
  5. Serious question since I haven't been on Texangs in years, you refer to him as "the late," is Branding Iron dead?
  6. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    HAL 9000 replica I made, going to put an Alexa Echo Flex inside it to use as a home automation device. Because Alexa controls my gas fueled furnace, I figure the HAL-Alexa combo might turn off the pilot light and kill us in our sleep. Miniature UT Towers I give out to little kids at home games. Made 9 to give out for the Ohio State game, hopefully good karma from that. UT tie I printed up, I may embarrass my son by wearing it at some point during the reception at his wedding next weekend. Donut organizer case for my wife to hold paper clips/rubber bands.
  7. Same. All over Europe, the Middle East, Canada, pretty much everywhere I'll get some "Hook Ems" or "Go Horns" if I'm wearing a Horns t-shirt or hat. I've sat next to people on trains in Spain and in hotel bars in Hungary and find out they are also Texas-Exes. And yes, if you make a half-assed attempt to speak a few phrases and not be an asshole, most place people are going to be nice to you. Even in France.
  8. I wouldn't have even bother applying these days, I'd have no chance of getting in. Good thing my recently graduated twins got their brains from their mom.
  9. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    That's a beast. I've seen some really good reviews on this model.
  10. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    Yep, that's the one I got. 3 bucks, just like I remembered. I'll see if I can dig up the file.
  11. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    Most of these were kind of generic ones off of thingiverse or printables, but I made a lot of modifications. Mostly adding the colors. Painting the stadium was a bitch. Putting in the "1" in the tower was also pretty time consuming. I think I remember paying for the DKR original file on some website that sold STLs, think it was like 3 bucks. I can see if I still have the files of the finished models if you want.
  12. Zone Read

    3D Printing

    I got my Bambu A1 a few months ago, here are a couple of the UT related things I've printed for personal use. I make little miniatures versions of the Tower lit up with the #1 and give them to kids at home games. It's a fun hobby, very time consuming but I'm retired, so I've got time.
  13. It's been forever since I looked at this case and I have no desire to look at it again, but wasn't there a memorandum of understanding with all the terms and conditions spelled out? I don't think it was a true verbal agreement.
  14. Yep. Absolutely. We are not as in control as we think we are.
  15. Seriously?? FML if that's true. I would seriously consider walking into heavy traffic if I found out my main type of exercise for the last 15 years could actually cause me to gain weight. HIIT is brutal. I at least deserve some weight loss benefit from doing it.
  16. You may be my long-lost twin.
  17. My minor at UT was nutrition. While a lot of the shit I learned back in the mid 80s is way out of date, I have a pretty good understanding of portions, carbs, protein, calories, etc. Genetics plays a huge part in it also. I did 1500 calories a day and my body would lose some weight (working out 6 times a week) but inevitably I'd go into massive stalls for months at a time. Trust me, I put in the effort.
  18. I would agree with you if it were somebody else, but I feel absolutely fine. Had a DEXA scan the other day and I haven't lost that much lean tissue. I'm 99th percentile for my age in muscle mass. Whether I was large to start is debatable, I'm 5'7" and started at 246. Down to 214. I've always tried to work out and eat right but never could lose weight, obviously now things have changed.
  19. 32 lbs in 8 weeks. 1 shot and 6 HIIT workouts a week (weights and cardio). This stuff is amazing.
  20. Over the weekend went up to Fort Davis to visit the McDonald Observatory. This is an amazing facility owned by UT that does cutting-edge research in Astronomy. If you have a chance to visit, I highly suggest doing so. The night star party is a hell of a lot of fun and I'm not even into astronomy. Apparently little brother plays some small part in research that is done there and is a partner in consortium that is building some super telescope in the Chilean desert. This sign on the property graphically depicts aggy's contribution to the project, and is also a good indicator of aggy's importance in the world relative to us.
  21. No, they don't look the same, least not to me.
  22. Nope, only the Y gets that APR. I'm replacing mine since it's 4 years old and warranty is about to run out. New 3 performance models are faster, better looking, and handle better. This model is a total redesign and it gets rave reviews. With the 7.5K tax rebate my payments will be lower. And I know people giving financial advice would say this is financially silly, it's not a big deal to me. I live pretty frugally and this is my one indulgence. I love fast cars and I don't want to spend six figures to get one.
  23. That just sucks. There are shortages of this medication for people who have legitimate obesity issues like me that work out, watch what they eat, etc. It's not for pigs to continue to be pigs or to get down a dress size for your high school reunion. Fuck these shitbags. I hate humans.
  24. I've been on Zepbound for 4 weeks this Friday, down exactly 20 lbs. I've been working out the same as before (Six 30 minute HIIT workouts a week, upper body and lower body 2 X a week and spin cycle cardio 2 X a week) but I'm definitely seeing some loss in muscle mass. At age 62 I'm not sure how I'm going to regain that. But my blood pressure is the lowest it's been in 30 years, so I guess it's a worthwhile trade off.
  25. I've been meaning to get a Dexa scan but haven't done it yet. I'm getting about 120 grams of protein a day, but it's probably not enough.
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