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Zone Read

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Everything posted by Zone Read

  1. Damn I hope you're right. I'm not sure how I worked it out but originally I had a room at the La Quinta I booked a month ago after all the decent hotels showed no vacancies. Last week, th online reviews of how shitty it was made me panic and I checked the Hyatt Regency for the second time just for the hell of it even though it was originally sold out. The moment I checked a room was available and I got it with points. When I checked later in the day it showed no rooms available again. I guess I got it at the exact moment of a cancellation. The point here is keep checking. Or don't and sell me your game tickets.
  2. I've got a room at the Hyatt Regency next to the super dome. If ticket prices don't come down, I would consider selling it to someone for rack rate if it's transferrable.
  3. Driving back to San Antonio from the Big 12 CCG last weekend, stopped off at a service station on 35 to get some coffee and saw this on the shelf. Feel free to speculate on why these items were next to each other. I'm thinking so the bear could end his suffering.
  4. Is the stadium split for each team in the Sugar Bowl like the OU game where it's the 50 yard line or is it the half of one end zone to the other? Which side for either are we?
  5. I'd trade 2 for 3, but otherwise spot on.
  6. 2500??? Wow, I wasn't even close. For the 2006 NC game I missed the cutoff by $2, although I did end up getting tickets at a decent price from a person that had to cancel last minute.
  7. Fuck, LHF just gave me the great news I ain't getting tickets.
  8. I don't wish a shitty childhood like his or mine on anyone, but why would you make it worse by going to a&m? My life improved 1000% the day I set foot on the 40 acres.
  9. "Somewhere in that mess was a home loss to Appalachian State in which Fisher's offense managed 180 yards and nine first downs. The Aggies became a joke. They were the biggest underachievers in the country." BECAME a joke??? When has aggy not been a joke?
  10. I dunno, maybe the way he delivers the message, but as for the content, he see's it from the player's perspective which none of us do. Most people given the chance to forget what's morally or ethically right in order to make a shit-ton of cash will do so. He was the graduation speaker last year when my twins graduated from UT. Gave a pretty good speech, nothing terribly inspirational. As he was finishing up, he told the graduates he was giving them all a graduation present of his newly published book that they could pick up on the way out of DKR. My sons both said it was pretty funny how almost no one picked up a copy, there were crates of them left when everybody cleared out. CSB.
  11. Good idea. Maybe I'll try that. Although a friend of mine recently crashed through his attic to the floor below and broke some bones, so maybe I won't.
  12. Nope, San Antonio. I've got an electrician I used for 240 volt stuff that I won't touch. I thought maybe if you were nearby and wanted some sous vide ribeye you might want to check it, LOL.
  13. What time should I expect you and what do you want for dinner? Not providing pics of wife. Seriously, very grateful for your help.
  14. Yup. This is a puzzler. All the closest switches and outlets work fine and I redid the connections, so I can't figure where it's getting power from. And everything that could be downstream works fine.. I guess I'll have to call in a professional. You do house calls? LOL.
  15. Yep, did that. All 4 wires are dead.
  16. Many of the switches in the house are stab connections. But again, every other outlet works and if this one isn't getting power, others downstream shouldn't either. And there have to be ones downstream since all 4 screws have wires attached.
  17. I did exactly this. No wires are hot.
  18. I checked inside and outside for GFCIs that can be reset. Nothing. All outdoor outlets are working. The GFCI in question is on the living room breaker, #10 in the sub panel, it's in the on position and every switch and outlet on that circuit is working. All other GFCI outlets on that circuit are working. Again, if it's an upstream GFCI that's faulty something downstream wouldn't work either but that's not the case. Even if the actual GFCI plug itself went bad, I'd still get one wire in the box showing hot, wouldn't I? All 4 wires in the box are dead, no voltage detected by my tester. Ugh.
  19. Moved into a new house last week. House is 30 years old, eventually going to replace all the switches and maybe the outlets. Every outlet test fine except 1 GFCI plug in the master bathroom, the most important one cuz it powers my beloved bidet (see the lengthy bidet thread on this site if you question my manhood). Every other outlet, switch, device in the entire house works fine. This GFCI outlet (actual GFCI, not a downstream outlet) is deader than Jonny Manziel's career. It can't be reset. I pulled off the faceplate and tested the line, load, and neutruls with a non-contact tester. All dead. Maybe I don't understand GFCI circuits all that well but even if the GFCI outlet went bad, the live wire coming in should still be hot, right? In addition, since the outlet has 4 lines into it, I'm assuming it must be an upstream GFCI that's protecting other outlets down the circuit. But every other plug and switch works fine? I looked for hidden outlets, outside outlets, couldn't find any. Before I bite the bullet and call an electrician, any ideas of what it could be?
  20. Just sold my house of 30 years yesterday. At the last second the buyers tell my agent that they assumed my Biobidet 2000 was going to stay. I thought that rather odd, it's a pretty personal item and I'd probably rather get a new one if I was buying the house. But, I guess it's kind of like a fixture so I figured I'd let them have it without making a big deal of it. Do I replace the BB 2000 with the same model or do I spend a bit more and get something next level? Is there even a next level up from the 2000? Seems like it has a shit-ton (no pun intended) of features, can't imagine what a more expensive one would have to make it better.
  21. Two words: Companion Pass. Essentially every flight is half price since my wife (no pics) goes with me everywhere I fly.
  22. In the immortal words of Bill Bradley, "It don’t make a shit.” ou sucks any time of the day.
  23. Aggy poster on Texags showing a surprising degree of understanding about the Jimbo situation: "Only two deals in the history of the world were worse than giving Jimbo $100M guaranteed: The Indians selling Manhattan to the Dutch for $27. They got screwed. The Russians selling Alaska to us for $7.2M. They got screwed."
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