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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by crimsonlonghorn

  1. I've been wanting a Wilson 45 for some time now (just like I do a Mini 14). Jealous.
  2. Here is the Ammoseek link: https://ammoseek.com/ammo/20-gauge One thing to keep in mind is that Bass Pro / Cabelas very rarely updates their store inventory online anymore, and they don't sell stuff mail order anymore either, but I've heard that they are getting in-store inventory now for decent prices. Same as Walmart. You just have to take the time to go and look for it in person.
  3. Monarchs are dirty, but they'll work. You can find plenty of other brands online for mail order (ie Ammoseek) but it will be more expensive, even if you can find free shipping. This isn't a terrible deal for the past 24 months for a decent shell for skeet, but with shipping it would still be about $3 more per box than the Monarch.
  4. Followed Mrs CL out to the farm this PM and this is how she left the gate. Obviously drive around it and didn’t learn a damn thing. Makes me kind of ragey. SMDH
  5. I’m not sure If there is any difference in the barrels themselves unless it’s a different ejector design or something like that. Optima HP is Beretta’s latest iteration of choke tubes and mobilchoke is their original choke tube design. Edited to add that neither choke design is better than the other. The original mobilchokes were flush and came out back before extended tubes became a big thing. When Beretta came out with their own extended chokes, they took the opportunity to redesign them altogether and move the threads. Most aftermarket major choke makers sell both flush and extended chokes for either design, so either one is probably fine for what your needs. I’m a big fan of Briley and have Briley chokes in all of my guns, including both Optima HP and Mobilchoke guns.
  6. That’s what’s good about owning our place and not trusting strangers (and even worse, their guests) to be good stewards of our own resources. With very few exceptions, my brother and his BIL are the only ones who hunt out there and they both are very clear about which bucks can and can’t be shot. I can’t tell them apart on the cameras, so I always let them decide who can shoot what. Then again I don’t even like shooting deer, TBH, so it doesn’t bother me. I just like looking at them after they are dead and mounted. (and eating venison chili and backstrap)
  7. 28ga #9 is probably the only shotgun ammo that I never noticed as missing over the past two years. It has continued to be everywhere. And realize that this is the ammo thread but a 28ga semiauto is the perfect gun for teaching younger kids for whom 20 and 12 are still too big and heavy
  8. So, the pigs finally found my feeder last night. The one in the middle is digging up some corn and other shit I had poured down a hole last week, which is good. Today I will put a big batch of soured corn that has been sitting outside all week down that hole and we'll see if that lures them back.
  9. Shit yeah. Love it.
  10. You want to know why schools are closed here today for 25 degrees and just a tiny bit of ice? Because idiots like these can’t help themselves except to drive the usual 85 MPH and tailgate and swerve as usual and it would be terrible if a school bus happened to be in the way.
  11. Question for those who know: I am going to order a tank blind for my place in Scurry County. The only question left is whether to pay for the extra insulation. I'm tempted to do it, but also worried that it could get especially hot whenever it's not 20 degrees outside, especially hog hunting in the spring and summer and there are 2-3 people inside the blind. Any opinions here?
  12. That is quintessentially aggy. They can't be happy with what they have accomplished, they need to exaggerate it up just a little bit more. And if they come back and explain that "AKSHUALLY" there is more than one TE in Sweden (I personally have no idea), that's would be even more of the same.
  13. She is a chemical engineer IP attorney. Very book smart. Very attractive. Great mom to our kids. Just finished her Christmas thank you notes. But she's also dumb as a brick and a terrible driver. She would say similar things about me that would all be true. That's the beauty of marriage.
  14. Quit fixing it. Let her drive the banged up car. I haven't fixed it once and to her credit, she hasn't asked. She knows she's a shit driver and she'll just beat it up again. That thing has dings and scratches all over it.
  15. This is an aerial view of our 2 car detached garage. \ The driveway along the side of the house is only a single car width across. A car parking on the left side of the garage has to make a sharp 'S' turn to get in and out to avoid hitting the house. Takes a little practice but it's very doable. A car parking on the right side can just go straight in and out of the garage. When we moved into this house, Mrs CL immediately claimed the right side of the garage because it would be easier to park. Fine, that's her prerogative. I'm the husband, that's my job. In the 8 years we have lived in this house, I have never hit either the side of the garage or the rear corner of the house. I've come in and out of the garage at least a couple thousand times, if not many more. Mrs CL on the other hand, has - multiple times - WHILE PARKING ON THE STRAIGHT IN AND OUT SIDE - backed into the garage door itself, backed into the wood siding along the edge of the door, clipped her passenger mirror on the same edge, clipped the corner of the back of the house, backed into the basketball goal on the other edge of the driveway, and backed into the wrought iron gate across the driveway at the front of the house. Part of her problem is that she doesn't use her mirrors at all, she just stares at the camera screen and guns it. She also regularly - at least once a week - parks 5-6 feet out from the wall of the garage, thus blocking my ability to park at all without having to get out and re-park her car. At the end of the driveway, she regularly cuts her wheels too soon before she gets to the street and she's rutted out the grass. I had to put concrete pavers there to keep it from getting worse. Her excuse for all of that is that when she is back up the car all of the "dumb loud beeping" coming from the parking assist is disconcerting.
  16. Well done, Apple AI. LOL
  17. The face of responsible (and accurate) firearm usage.
  18. Could be. It's due for an oil change in a few weeks, they will certainly try and sell me some new tires then, needed or not.
  19. This isn’t the first time Mrs CL has beat up her car. She regularly has banged into the side of the garage and scraped curbs and shopping carts and poles. You’d think she’d take better care of a $70,000 German SUV. I guess I should count my blessings that she hasn’t hit another car yet.
  20. No, not bantams. They were just on the smallish side of normal. Very unusual looking mongrel chickens with so many feathers on their feet they look like feather dusters. Definitely a coyote since she was carried off. That picture I posted might not be the actual one, but I get plenty of others on my cameras most nights. They are always passing through. I’ve lost plenty of chickens to raccoons, hawks, and owls, too. Kind of sad, but it’s just part of the game. You can’t get mad at the chickens and you can’t be mad at the predators. That’s just what they do.
  21. “I was pulling into the gate this afternoon and brushed up against the post and scratched my car.” Here is what the view from that camera looks like normally when someone drives in: What really happened is she was too lazy to open the gate all the way and thought she could drive around it and squeeze through the gap.
  22. GFS is like, "HOLY SHIT POLAR VORTEX!" Euro is like, "Calm down. It might get chilly a couple of nights." (note that the GFS time period is longer in the charts)
  23. Damn, I've wanted one of those Mini Ranch Rifles for a long time. This just reminds me. The problem is there is always something I decide I want more.
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