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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by crimsonlonghorn

  1. I've worked from home for about 11 years now. I might got to the office once a month if they make me attend a meeting. The best part is definitely the naps, followed closely by the pron.
  2. I found some slightly more expensive on Grabagun with no limits, so I bought 40 boxes just to add to my stash. All in with shipping + the tiny bit of extra tax it works out to 10% more than the Academy price. But the Academy lowest market price + free shipping - even including sales tax - is going to be hard to beat in the long run. I sure hope this is temporary.
  3. I went into Academy just now to get some new hinges for my igloo cooler and the guns and ammo aisles look like empty bread and water shelves during a hurricane (“Limit 3 Units per customer”). The line at the gun counter was three deep to look at overpriced low-quality Academy guns. All I could do was giggle a tiny bit and feel a little satisfied that for all of my anxiety this week, not being sufficiently armed wasn’t part of it. All that being said, I regularly order 3-4 flats of AA 20 ga #9 from Academy each month to feed my skeet habit because they sell it so cheap with free shipping. If they start to cut that supply train off I’m going to be pissed. Might have to finally start reloading all these hulls I have lying around (if I can find powder and shot dammit).
  4. There is a smaller Buccee's in my neighborhood in Greatwood, of which I have been a very frequent customer for the past 4-5 years since we first moved here. Two days ago I just unthinkingly went in there and got me a soda and ordered my usual sandwich for lunch and as I was standing in the checkout line I realized that the whole place is full of a constantly rotating cast of people from all classes and social strata from everywhere in the area... and there is no way to know what germs are being passed all around inside that place. Scared the heck out of me. I paid for my stuff and left and resolved not to go back inside there for at least 6 months.
  5. I understand that there are confidence intervals and the change might not be significant and all, but on its face it looks like this is positive news? Growth rate is starting to decline and short term declining more than longer says that quarantine (for lack of a better word) is starting to work?
  6. First 30 seconds veer towards CR-ish topics, but that's not really what this is about.
  7. In a normal world, $30 oil would be supercharging the economy everywhere outside of Texas.
  8. I don't mean to be cold-hearted or mean but she's a child and that's the difference between children and adults. Lots of kids having issues right now missing out on sports events or graduation or prom or whatever. It's up to us as adults to provide an example and be parents. What we really need are more adults to start acting like adults. (Not meant to be critical of @Beau Vine at all, just an observation at the effect this is having on a lot of kids - I've got two of them myself)
  9. Not sure if serious, but the Chinese spend a lot of time and money in Africa right now. It's just like the Cold War - they are willing to spend their money in places that the west isn't, if only to buy an ally and have a place to spend their money. It's not spreading as quickly in Africa almost certainly due to climate factors.
  10. If it's true it means that a.) a vast majority of people who have it aren't clogging up the hospital, and b.) you can model it out that there are still another 2-3 months before everyone has it, but only 2-3 months. It goes back to that "flatten the curve" stuff. This isn't going to end until mostly everyone has had it, but you don't want everyone to get it all at once, either. This really is kind of like a war in the sense that everyone is making (admittedly, mild) sacrifices at home and some portion of the population isn't going to survive it, but it's unlike a war in that we will know when it's going to be over and when it is it will be mostly finished and things will get back to normal.
  11. They haven't officially canceled our 7th grade district meet, but they are going to and my son is pretty broken up about it. He was just starting to get excited about throwing the discus. Asked me to go practice constantly. Kept getting better every week and was just about to out-technique and start beating the big boys who did nothing but muscle it out there. I feel for him.
  12. That's not what I believe at all. In fact, I don't think it was planned. If anything it was an accident. I'm not saying anything about conspiracies or that it was planned or anything. I don't care if it was intended or not or whether it was a weapon or Winnie the Pooh ordered it himself or whatever. All I'm saying is that it's a hell of a coincidence that the outbreak started in the exact same city where there is a lab where they research these exact same kinds of viruses from bats. As mentioned elsewhere, they've had documented occurrences of SARS twice escaping labs in China due to poor security practices. I don't think it's a "conspiracy" to notice this and wonder about it given the location of the outbreak and the specific mission of that lab. How it got out isn't what I'm speculating about. Just that it's quite a coincidence. That's it and that's all.
  13. Yeah, maybe I misunderstood the headline. Could be just in relation to controlling the associated fever rather than overall usage. Guess I need to spend 10 minutes and watch the whole video.
  14. Well shit. I started taking Alleve about 6 months ago for arthritis in my bum knee and it has changed my quality of life. Getting off of it is going to suck balls.
  15. Seriously, when this is all over, that brand name is going to be shit. Solar eclipses are also going to be hard hit.
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