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Everything posted by jinx

  1. Except he wasn’t offsides. Just like Collin Simmons wasn’t later in the game.
  2. I’ve read that they should be able to easily add 20 lbs of muscle over the summer.
  3. I just hope that beating them at their place and Saban leaving in the same year is the reverse curse we have been waiting for since 2009. Seems fair.
  4. Let’s run the last second lateral play every play. That way everyone gets like 90 touches per game.
  5. And all of the transfers are one year rentals. 2025 could be the selling point for 2nd string WRs
  6. Maybe the last thing I would ever do is feel sorry for Alabama.
  7. This is all correct. Biggest difference is that the SEC refs protect their best teams and we are likely one of those. No more Rig 12 fuckery.
  8. Holy shit that was awful. I feel bad for everyone they conned into that.
  9. If it doesn’t matter then why are your kids crying, bitch?
  10. Are we in white? I would assume so but haven’t seen it confirmed anywhere. Are there sections designated as Texas and UW? I can’t find that either. I gained a lot of respect for UW after reading it. Seems very similar to Texas in a lot of ways.
  11. Because I hate Oregon and their hype?
  12. I see you did zero research here. David Cutcliffe (the coach before Elko) had multiple winning seasons including a season with 10 wins. Edit to see that you may have meant overall. But Cutcliffe had them in a place no one had since Spurrier.
  13. But our fans are jacked and theirs barely filled half the stadium against BYU. We will have 70% or more of the fans in the stands. So really a home game for us in my opinion.
  14. I can’t wait until Tarp the Reasonable Ag makes it into the wonderful yell stories alongside Ol Rock the Good Ag.
  15. jinx


  16. FIFY
  17. jinx


    I’m sending him my health insurance bills for this year. Pretty sure I’ve lost a couple of years of life from the last two games.
  18. You think you hate it now but wait until you drive it.
  19. This photo should be posted anytime Hampton is mentioned and I haven’t seen it yet.
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